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Post 1


Hi Jen

I've just seen your post about the anthology PDF thing. I'm still going to be adding the anthology onto iCan so do we need to co-ordinate a bit so that they're as similar as possible?

Last night I added the petition to iCan and, the other day, a copy of the DG's letter to H's MP so the amount of stuff on there now makes the BBC case seem even flimsier. Of course, though, it's their ball and they've decided we can't play with it anymore.

Next week I should be getting word about the Freedom of Information stuff and I intend to post some of that on iCan as well, even though it now looks like GW is irrevocably dead in the water. If anything, it should show whether Liz Cleaver and Mark Thompson were telling the truth or just talking doublespeak.


Post 2


Thanks Arfa,

I feel like I've been away for ages as so much seems to have happened in the last 36 hours! smiley - laugh

I'm still a bit fragile today after St Paddy's day, but at least everyone is in better form, thank-God! If you do want to put some of the work into iCan they can be found on A3762010 and A3746676.

I have seen a cover and it does look cool. There will most likely not be any further images within the book, just script but I will let you know as soon as I see/rece4ive anything. I could email you a copy of the draft cover if you like. It will be later this evening though.

As to the petition names - iCan has revealed the 'Real' names of many against the 'adopted' ones so that may be a bit tricky now as I'm still collecting names as people are still voting. Should we just add them in anyway?
I'll try and finalise the latest ones by tomorrow. Reckon at least another 20 names.

And Arfa, really thanks for all this. Looking forward to reading the Freedom of info stuff too. That will be interesting.

Chat soon,

Jen smiley - biggrin

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