This is the Message Centre for PenJen

Funny Bone

Post 1


Hi there Jen just a quick bit of info...just watching the new series of Parkinson fom ITV..he has just mentioned his website he would be in on supporting the course... Never heard from the fella that I emailed for the other PJ's email...not sure why, anyway hope that is a help or is it too late? Hope he was not the comedian that had no sense of humour...hard to imagine he would be! Cheers yah little ripper, love, Serinsmiley - hug

Funny Bone

Post 2


Er that was meant to read that Parkinson's guest was Lenny Henry...look I will send an email to Lenny about the site you have far too much on and I am glad to assist in what ever way I can...cheers, depudy dippidysmiley - ok

Funny Bone

Post 3


Have sent your original letter slightly modified ...oksmiley - ok

Funny Bone

Post 4


Cheers Serin,

That's great. I have now all the links up including the list of author's willing to support plus a seperate link with their comments, and have included Nick Earl - cheers for that.

As for the other 'Comedian' I will send you a copy of the emails. You'll have a laugh anyway! smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

Thanks for helping out and kick it, sista!

Jen smiley - hugsmiley - magicsmiley - tongueout

Funny Bone

Post 5


You know you are very welcome to any assistance I can give Jen, Jnce25 is at the fore front too. If you have time read the thread, can you contribute to this J...

sorry about my long winded posts on that thread but I am a bit tipsy wispy...maybe just read the three or four most recent...she is a bit of a goer J, and has had experience with such bureaucracies as the bbc, as she used to work for a MP in England.

I hope I hear from Lenny, I sent it last night and he said he promises to answer all E's to him...fingers crossed...look forward to the comedian's email...some of them are not very generous souls the really good ones are generous souls as they can laugh at observation I made a while back Jen... I have been to see a lot of comedy actssmiley - biggrinsmiley - cheers

BTW well done to you for getting all the info on the site...and a big thank-you to Traveler, who I have thanked a while back.

smiley - hug Serin

Funny Bone

Post 6


Yeah, I've seen that thread and been reading. Your posts are cool, no worries, doll. Great to see folk so enthusiastic and involved, although I really do believe that it will not make the difference in keeping the site open, to be honest. We can all but try. Every little bit helps.

Hope Lenny replies too. He's a quirky guy. Will send you that email within the next hour. Gotta get off site NOW as have been on FAR TOO LONG and didn't even get all my wee messages answered! (Have been chatting AGAIN and enjoying the banter!).

So, sweet Serin, keep up the good work and will catch ye soon,

Jen smiley - magicsmiley - hug

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