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Whatcha Ms Pj

Post 1


Howdy Jen, took a walk on the wildsite and I am on the lovely lime green zone of h2g2. Never have been sure of what this zone is about but thought it could be worth a visit when Gw does it's swan song. Can you please tell me what happened with the author stuff? I really feel out of the loop with most of what went on. Still reckon it was good we had a go at trying to save the site, bit of a David and Goliath though hey? Been reading the Party thread, just wish I could come and bring Jnce25, we met up yah know a couple of weeks ago. She is really friendly and helpful. Maybe we could do a cam link and J and I could have a party of our own. We do live 3-4 hours away from each other though. Bit of a nightmare organising the party but power to you I am sure you will get there, I must agree that it is probaly best to keep it simple. I did like Chris G's idea of everybody bringing a bit of their work. No harm bringing some and then if you want to read it you can, would be good to break the ice me thinks (not that you need it of coursesmiley - biggrin, but others might)Well looks like all I can do is sit and wait for the photos, ere and whats this I read you want the live cam turned off when all the fun is starting....not like you Jen, sorry I did not get back to your email...just overwhelmed by it Jen, not sure what to say, cept just look after the ones you see as sound, and always expect the unexpected...ain't nothing as strange as people...startin to prefer the Springer Spaniel to most folk I know...and that from someone who considers themselves a real people person (lol)smiley - biggrin

Whatcha Ms Pj

Post 2


Hi Serin,

Apologies for the delay in reply, (here and on 'e'), have been all over the plac and fecked up with the job situation AGAIN. Will tell all in an 'e' soon. These last 2 months I don't know if I'm coming or going but at leat 'Pervy Pete' is history! Haha!

As for all the 'author' stuff - looks like I will be doing all that on my own as I haven't heard a dicky-bird from the other two unfortunately. I hope to try and get at least some of the messages out tomorrow as off work - well change of a supposing work situ (looooong story) - and as time is tight, I'm snowballed. But, hey-ho I'll get there. Sorry to be fobbing off the inquiry. Have a big writers'/Author's w'end to attend in Dublin w'end of the 12th Feb so should hopefully get at least 20 authors there. Cross fingers!

And you met Jnce?! Cool. She seems really sound! Was it a bit weird meeting each other in the flesh?

Yeah, Chris' ideas are great, although maybe not too fitting o this occaision, but ye never know?!

As for photos - I will take LOADS to show - Promise! And the less with me in them the better! smiley - laugh Don't know about a live web-cam though..... Could get naughty! Not me. now. Me an smiley - angel

Don't worry about that last email - old news now. All over. Sorted. And true too - my wee 'Shorty' sometimes makes more sense than people. AND he doesn't answer back - Thank-God.

Hope all is well with you. Just haven't seen you about as much and all. Take care and will chat real soon, Fleas.

Jen smiley - cheerupsmiley - hugsmiley - biggrin

Whatcha Ms Pj

Post 3


Yah can always cut me out of the photo I sent you and leave the photo of my mate Jake, the springer spaniel on a glass of scotch and (lots) of ice so I will be there in it to be irish scotch tooo much nicer but don't tell those scotties...

I am fine have not been on air for the last week and a half...but have been on fairly hard the last few days, a change of servers made a furthre delay, not sure I like the new servers cheaper if you sign up for a 12 month period, but have tried them with a free months sign up. The beggars are also the main phone company in this country so seems no minor coincidence that the connection drops out more frequently than my previous server, so you have to pay a local phone call to reconnect buggaz hey!

I still reckon everyone could be encouraged to keep a bit of work on hand in case the moment arises Jen, yah never know the party may be in need of some different self I think the more diverse options the better...may not come to pass but a 4am after yah have had your fill might be a nice touch...maybe you could get people to write a hangover themsmiley - erm Or what they expected the meeting to be like...could be a giggle, just think not everyone is an instant conversationalist at parties, (I even can take a bit of warming up sometimessmiley - tongueout). Whats the bother if people are just prepared for such an eventuation hey? Well that as Mighty Joe I think said is my 2 pence and I expect change Mssmiley - biggrin

Well will look forward to hearing from you via the e's hope things are not too bad going for yah love please excuse typos not enough time to recheck...30c here and got to get into it been on the net for 3 hours....real life is calling (got to get used to it as I will really feel dumped when this site goes if I don'tsmiley - erm) love Me fleas louisesmiley - magicsmiley - hug

Whatcha Ms Pj

Post 4


Hi Missus,

Have finally sent ye a wee 'e' with all the craic. I'm only in here for a wee mo... Will find out about my 'job' today. <yikes.

Catch ye later, hon

Jen smiley - hugsmiley - kiss

Whatcha Ms Pj

Post 5


Best of Brozzie dahlin,er that's brit and ozzie, er I'm a Heinze 57 what can I say....have a good one love the dippidy smiley - dogsmiley - hug

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