This is the Message Centre for PenJen

Happy New Year Ms Ireland

Post 1


smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly
Hi there Jenni, only 1 hour and 49 minutes to go here, and I am bleedin soborsmiley - erm Still will be charging the glass for the magic hour. I do hope you have a great 2005 and all the wishes hopes and desires you have for the new year are fulfilled and more. You are a special person, and your deserve the best and no less...Oh! Btw Iman and Marley are cute...I will catch up with you in 2005, lovely Iris Ms, Love Serinsmiley - hug

smiley - rosesmiley - rose

Happy New Year Ms Ireland

Post 2


smiley - star Hi Sweet Serin! Not long to go now... Ye-Ha!!
"Tis noon here and I'm still in jammies with a wee sore head (was out last night smiley - headhurts) and strong mug of coffee. Warming up to celebrate the New Year later on. I see that you have already started missus!! smiley - bubblysmiley - laugh

So I wish you the very best of everything and may all your dreams come true in 2005 - a toast to life, love, health and happiness and to our continued fun, writing and friendship! Really chuffed to have a great buddy such as ye, dear Fleas-Louise! smiley - kisssmiley - hug

And smiley - disco CONGRATULATIONS on the little goaties too!! smiley - laugh

smiley - star Go party sweet Aussie sista!
Take care,

Jensmiley - biggrinsmiley - magicsmiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - cheerupsmiley - bubbly

Happy New Year Ms Ireland

Post 3


Got the cointreau and ice in hand (very warm here tonight) watching Cher in Concert, she is riding a elephant on her stage entrance, there's a gal who doesn't do things by half...the song, "baby it's all or nothing"smiley - laugh Catch you soon with all your New Year Stories Jensmiley - hugsmiley - smoochHave a great one babe! 28 mins to go and I’m still sober, where’s that bottle...smiley - run Love Serinxxxsmiley - hug

Happy New Year Ms Ireland

Post 4


You got to drink quicker!! smiley - laughsmiley - bubbly
It MUST be 2005 now with you!! Wow!

smiley - discosmiley - star Happy New Year, top Doll!!! smiley - starsmiley - discosmiley - bubbly

Happy New Year Ms Ireland

Post 5


8 mins to go then I will be over to do it all again with you galsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - bubbly

Happy New Year Ms Ireland

Post 6


FOUR minutes to go!!! smiley - yikessmiley - laughsmiley - bubbly

Happy New Year Ms Ireland

Post 7


Three!!!! smiley - tongueout

Happy New Year Ms Ireland

Post 8


smiley - smoochsmiley - smooch

Happy New Year

Beat ye to itsmiley - hug

Have a great one my good matesmiley - hug

Dippid smiley - run don't move that bottle dawgsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - kiss

Happy New Year Ms Ireland

Post 9


smiley - discosmiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - starsmiley - wowsmiley - discosmiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - starsmiley - wowsmiley - discosmiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - starsmiley - wowsmiley - discosmiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - starsmiley - wowsmiley - discosmiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - starsmiley - wowsmiley - discosmiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - starsmiley - wowsmiley - discosmiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - starsmiley - wowsmiley - discosmiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - starsmiley - wowsmiley - discosmiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - starsmiley - wowsmiley - discosmiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - starsmiley - wowsmiley - discosmiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - starsmiley - wowsmiley - discosmiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - starsmiley - wowsmiley - discosmiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - starsmiley - wowsmiley - discosmiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - starsmiley - wowsmiley - discosmiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - starsmiley - wow HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!!!!!!!

Enjoy dear Friend!!!! smiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - tongueout

Happy New Year Ms Ireland

Post 10


I'll still love and respect yah in the morning you old fashion quaint 2004 little Irish Ms...smiley - hugsmiley - laugh Yah futuristic smiley - cool Dippidy fleas louise I'm the advaced one Melbasmiley - bubblysmiley - laugh

Thanks for been a vintage palsmiley - magic

Happy New Year Ms Ireland

Post 11


smiley - devil AND I haven't even started YET!! smiley - laugh

Advance away pure gem pal pup!!I'll drink to that! smiley - alesmiley - kiss

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