This is the Message Centre for PenJen

Er sorry

Post 1


Sorry Jen for the double comment I pressed the back button and did not think the first one had sent...Hope yah travelin well. Sounds like yah are..cheers smiley - hugSerin

Er sorry

Post 2


Hey you can double me the trouble with all the comments you like, pup! You just make me smile and laugh so!!

Also thanks for that and the 'e'. Wonderful soul across the ocean, 'tis you.
As I type, 'Shorty' is making weird sounds in his sleep, I think he's having a nightmare or dreaming of food he can never have or about his lack of love-life - who knows?! Is beginning to freak me out...

OK, I've woken him. He's not impressed and has tottered off out of the room. Huh!

Oh, BTW you have got to read this poem by Bribrow. I think you, especailly will enjoy it!
Barking Mad A3233206

Catch ye later, Sweet Serin!

Jen smiley - magicsmiley - smoochsmiley - cheers

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