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P S to S P

Post 21


Off to work I go! Hi Ho bloody Ho that's what they are jen a bunch of hossmiley - biggrin. I hope yah weekend was ace..missed yah as usual...Serinsmiley - biggrin

P S to S P

Post 22


Me rushing out to work also... Will leave you longer note tonight. Dublin was brill. How's the placement going? Hope you're putting the world to rights, Councillor Serin. You've got my vote. Chat later, Louise-Fleas!

DJ Melba-Thelma smiley - biggrinsmiley - laughsmiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - bubblysmiley - tongueout....................smiley - run

P S to S P

Post 23


Hello again,

Just stumbling in here for a sec... Really busy with lots of good stuff, new opportunities and challenges from all directions. My 'dream Job' has come up so I'm frantically gathering stuff to apply. Only have until 4pm today, (heard about it Tues night), to do so and at work at 1pm. Even getting dizzy with the spells of last w'end, which I will divulge when I have more time - hopefully this w'end. Catch ye then, partner!

Jen smiley - magicsmiley - run

P S to S P

Post 24


Hi Jen this maybe the only time I can get through. I am sneakin it in at my placement..Our phone at home has got a fault on it and the guy from telstra said that they may not be able to get over till Monday to fix it so I may miss the 60 word scoring..which will piss me orf as I have been sat up early in the week scoring. Never mind..have also found that you could be swapping and changing your work if you did not know when to fold them...I mean I appreciate your comments (we are accustomed to each others comment and you I am grateful for your insight) but for instance I changed it grammatically as I thought the initial comment by someone was valid...however somebody has since complained (even after your very valid comment) about the grammar any way I have said that I am leaving it as is...I guess the moral is yah gotta know when to fold them Jen hey... I am wrapt to hear about your new position and you deserve all the success in the world as you have a generous spirit Jen ...and are prepared to go the extra mile...I have been working with unemployed people for the last couple of days and must admit these are the qualities that shine through with the people that should be gettin ahead (but may not in this town due to the mates and relatives first syndrome) Well dahlin if yah don't hear from me for a wee while you will know because I have a dodgy line...I hopin to get back sometime next week...if you can pass this on to Spidey I would be very grateful Jen as don't want to push my luck and get sprung doing this at work (even though no-one has got anything for me to do and I'm bored!!). Well I will be back to you as soon as I can...I will make sure I don't have the withdrawels for long..take it easy Jen love Serin And I know yah the best darn canditate for the Jobsmiley - hugsmiley - oksmiley - bubblySo nothing will get in yah way consider it yours galsmiley - smoochsmiley - loveblushsmiley - oksmiley - cheers

P S to S P

Post 25


Me again ther is a lot of change going on at my placement as people are leaving or have left..Apparantly if you do not meet job placement quotas your everbody is retraining and I am caught in the middle with little to do today...yesterday I had to run job train myself do mock interview and interview training...I really liked it as it is part of what I am trained to do...could work in some encouragement and strategies for building confident using some of my training and interventions...but today because consultants are training other consultants...I have been left in the lurch...Mark is fine he sprung me doing this and I explained that I have a writing group commitment and no phone needed to email people to let them know he was cool..but has just told me I can't sit in with his clients as he need to train somebody in job train who does not want to do it...why couldent they give it to me they were full of thank-yous yesterday...bloody hell offic polotics...Any way dahl I forgot to say all the very best with the 60 word as well I have not caught yours but I no you have a lot on take it easy and I'll be waiting for the good news about the new Job Love Serin

P S to S P

Post 26


smiley - starWell sweet Serin - hope you had a good w'end, although it's probably mid-Monday with ye and you're at work. Bless you.

How are things there, they do sound serious?
Work can be a fecking pain alright! Had a bit of a barny with the pervy boss on Friday (B'S), kind of feel a little worried now as due in there again today. He's an egotisical bast**d and throws his weight about, doesn't listen and picks on people. Made two co-workers last week, both my buddies. As I'm only there for a few days a week I can't really say anything.

On the otherhand, the boss of my other job is such a dote! She makes you feel like a real person and even supported me applying for this 'dream job' and let me have the afternoon off to sort out application (as I had heard of this position so late and had until 4pm that day to get it in, which I did by just one minute. Miracle!).

BTW, it's not that she wants to see the back of me, it's just there will be no futher recruiting or increasing of work hours there for about eight years, so she encourages people to make the best use of their abilities. On one hand I desire the new 'full-time-in-one-place' job, but I'd really miss the L. Will elaborate more to you when I know such. Don't want to jinx myself. Need all the luck I can get! smiley - winkeye

Oh... I had to opt out of the '60 Worder' as none of the titles grabbed me and I just couldn't write anything of worth on them. I believe the scores are coming in now. Best of luck there with your 'Springer' (spaniel?) entry! Woof! Woof! smiley - laugh

Hope you get the internet up and running at home soon too. This place would be a really dull hovel without your wit and spark and Thelma would be lost without Louise big time! smiley - tongueout

Hopefully I'll catch ye later, pup. Have a good day. I'll try to hold my tongue, promise to be a good girl, and ignore the fecking assh*le boss. Take care.

Jen smiley - cheerssmiley - magicsmiley - hugsmiley - biggrinsmiley - laughsmiley - kisssmiley - winkeye.... smiley - run

P S to S P

Post 27


Hi Serin, smiley - biggrin

I've tried your email address but it was returned to me twice. Have saved it to resend if you can give me your correct one. I had sent it to: [email protected]

If you wish I'll leave my email details with ye instead, OK?

Hope all well with you and work going good. Hopefully chat to ye real soon, pup!

DJ Melba-Thelma smiley - winkeyesmiley - laughsmiley - cheers

P S to S P

Post 28


Hi Jen six minutes to knock off... I was wondering how my mate Thelma Melba was doin?? I had a mixed day today did a bit of training. Had to give an impromptu review of a consultant the agency hired to do training yesterday..I was the only one that has ever sat in. The trainer was really nice but the training was really boring and she did not engage the clients at all just sat and read out of a manual to them. I was caught unaware by the manager of this agency asking me my opinion at the full staff meeting today. I was honest but I felt a bit bad due to my status as student. Still they appreciated my review and are going to speak to the woman as they thought it would be more of a stimulating I hope the woman speaks to me when she comes back in...I did say the programs concept was good just the implementation was dry...oh well best to be honest..well my lovely off for a barbecue tonight as my sisters first time I have seen her for am able to knock off early thanks to will catch you soon hopefully I will be on air at the weekend at home, I hope to enter the 60 word challenge as I enjoyed the challenge, Oh! and thank-you for letting me know the results...hope you are well smiley - hugsmiley - biggrinCatch you soon lov Serin

P S to S P

Post 29


Hi Jen just read my last message to you..all full of hope about seeing my sister first time for ages (only relative in OZ) well what a crock of .. that night turned out..I will fill you in at some stage and elsewhere fecking families have not had a whole lot of luck in that department I'm afraid...Anyway I hope that things get better with the the slimey book shop wormsmiley - biggrin Bloodey Hell why can't people just live and let live..smiley - erm Anyway I am on air again and will try and catch you in the morning here probaly about 1am to 2am your time and breafast Sat morning time for me..I have left a message with Spidey's challenge thread for the 60 worder...Well I hope to have direct contact with you soon..seems like we have been in suspended animation phase for toooo long The lma Mel ba...I sure miss the little jaunts we had on the threads and look forward to a rematch soon until then lurv Fleassmiley - hugsmiley - cheerssmiley - smooch

P S to S P

Post 30


smiley - star Hiya partner!

How are you? Off to sell candles today I hope, yes?
Opps, you're 9 hrs ahead... I forget. Well were you able to go?

I got the 'Animal Crackers', due to print out from work today and hopefully let you know my thougts by Sunday - OK?

I'm due in work in 2 hrs so a few more wee reviews, then shower then library. Is a bloody cold morning too and i wish i was off, chill out and do nothing al day BUT the dog needs fed, Jen needs her smokes and the borrowers need their fix of books! God help us!

Will drop you a wee note over the weekend with all the goss. Take care , Fleas-louise and PLEASE stop begging for scraps on the 'Purple Park Patio'!!!

Jen smiley - magicsmiley - biggrinsmiley - laughsmiley - winkeyesmiley - hugsmiley - kiss

P S to S P

Post 31


Bloody Hell Jen we are Live to air..Pity your off to work I am just lining up a scotch..(partner's Idea) have a good day..I have yet to get on with Animal Crakers (too many assignments at present and placement must send you some up to date goss about that) but I wanted to send you a taste of what I about see if I'm on the right track....talking about taste...I could murder a few breaky scraps....Have a great day Jen catch yah soonsmiley - stiffdrink has arrived...will drink to what might have been if that bloody library had not got in the em Jennosmiley - oksmiley - laughsmiley - hug

P S to S P

Post 32


Righteo Sista!

Bottoms up as they say and throw that drink down ye! Hopefully I'll catch ye pissed later on, now THAT will make a welcome change!!! lol! smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye

Great to catch ye in here though. Hello to hubby, Josh, Marley & co!

Gotta dash.... smiley - kisssmiley - bubblysmiley - run

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