This is the Message Centre for PenJen

P S to S P

Post 1


Howdy Ms Jen, Not much goin on here I am bored baby..Thought I just give yah a Monday morn (here) hello..I've had on the hour wakings by the bleeding persian on heat..smiley - wah My tummy bug is apparantly something that is going around. How do I get me name down for the new 60 word challenge? I find all these things a tad difficult Jen with me 9 hours ahead caper..Yah don't want to start an out of hours group do yah..or do they have to be more formalised...and you may have too many committments...can yah be an honoury member? Yah know allowances for the out of hour stuff...I have raked through your Pf but can't find much to enlighten me please could you direct me specifically to info..when yah have the time...chow for now Venerable Sister P from Pup Serinsmiley - hug

P S to S P

Post 2


Ach wee pet!! smiley - hug Wee Serin is unwell, awh... get better soon, doll. And tell that horny cat to FECK off!
I wanted to reply to you on the other thread (which one?!). We're dotted all over, ha!

Don't worry about the '60 Word Challenge' Thing. I'll dig out the info and post to you. All stories are up for this one and all's left is for everyone to throw in their marks for each. New challenge should come into force next sat/Sun 1st/2nd Oct. There are folks from all around the globe in it, so no worries. Settle my petal! smiley - cheerup

And missus, are you saying that my PF is NOT enlightening!!! smiley - sadface (smiley - laugh)!!

I might skip out of here soon, write something, call it as a wee cheer-up for lovely Louise, OK?!
Take care and do take it easy. Can't have you slicing away from me on the midnight crawl! ('Tis 12:52am).

Jen smiley - smoochsmiley - cheerupsmiley - biggrin

P S to S P

Post 3


Ere your never light on enlightenment Sister Pj...just me being a bit slack..sick and holiday mody yah knowsmiley - sadfacesmiley - biggrinCurrently a bit I might have a go at writing a bit of your suggestion story is startin to really appeal...I used to love a show on telly when I was a little tacker called down by the riverside?? Mole that talked and otter...lot more interesting that some of the human doings gotta tell yah.. I will wish yah a good Monday..and if yah really want a good one take a sicky...Thank-yah for your information Jen...I gotta get me pussy fixed (so to speak) eat yah heart out Mrs Slokamsmiley - biggrin Catch yah soon Oh Mistress of en light on the ginger and heavy on the Mint de menth..and can I have a light on the ciggie..supremosmiley - laugh Can't wait for yah new sprog toosmiley - oksmiley - hugsmiley - cheerupsmiley - magic

P S to S P

Post 4


You do help light that fire, friend. Thank-you!
The encouragement is a little bully but I need that shake and slap! It's coming in all directions tonight, so I will skip from this hypnotic fold soon and beat a few words out, splatter their little souls drip on page then storm them heavy unto keyboard (hopefully!)

Take it easy today, hon and the owl and the pussy cat... get going! Write it missus! Good luck!

Catch ye later!
Jen smiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - winkeye

P S to S P

Post 5


How's the wee patient this evening, (well 1:03am with me), any better, hopefully? Did you have any energy left to try a little animal magic in words, yet?

Well, a little sprog has been conceived tonight from the Irish Ma-Muse; although it might be a little complicated one and have too many teeth when it shouldn't have any! smiley - erm

I haven't posted it into review yet, it's sitting in it's baby-grow in my works folder called 'Language Curse'. Wanted you to be the first to change it's nappy! smiley - winkeye
Then might throw the wee beggar into review later tomorrow, see if it sleeps well through-out the night. There might be a little brother or sister hot on it's heels soon, too! smiley - laugh

Catch ye later, dear friend!

Jen smiley - hugsmiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - biggrin...............smiley - run

P S to S P

Post 6


I'm not the most energetic at present Jen, just feel a tad under the weather as think have got a sinus infection as well. But enjoying being a bit of a lazy sod too paradoxically. It started out foggy here today then went to warm and sunny around 11 am to 1 and then grey and still warmish. I am still mulling over the ideay Jen but will let you know when I get started. Got a visitor tommorrow and had one today. Hopefully will get better sleep tonight as patsy the persian cat seems to be coming of heat (bloody stupid we have put up with this for 5 years) we reckon if she ever condesends to a moggy around here they won't come out alivesmiley - biggrin Loved your sprog and have left a message for the bairn. Catch you soon I regard you as a dear friend as well Jen, hope you have a cracker of a Tuesday, and I will keep workin on the animal crackers in my head and soon will put some down on virtual paper..LuvSerinsmiley - oksmiley - hugsmiley - cheerupsmiley - kiss

P S to S P

Post 7


Howdy ms Pj is yah still in the book shop..have yah fallen asleep under the desk in a groggy haze...have the feckers locked yah in...or have they filed yah under..R for raunchey little cracker in the library...where ever yah are I hope yah havin fun..but the threads are a litte less lively without your energy..however yah entitled to a real life my lovely so enjoysmiley - biggrinsmiley - okSerin I'll keep a candle burning

P S to S P

Post 8


Have missed the chat, top pup! Really busy at work and all lately, but back for the w'end. And I am SO chuffed that you are in the 'Purple Park'! My praise and bumming up of you worked a treat, all true too!

And took a little advice from you ages ago, i am working on something to do with the library. May post it up by Monday. I will read your latest piece later too. Glad to se you're writing too.
How are you feeling? Hope you ar feeling a lot better and up and about. How's the drat of a cat? (sorry, don't like cats, like dogs). I'm away to make myself s fresh coffee and raid the cookie jar as peckish. (It's 2:26am, will brush my teef later!)

Chat soon serin spoon!

Jen smiley - laughsmiley - biggrinsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - magicsmiley - coolsmiley - run

P S to S P

Post 9


Yeah I'm up and about Jen, great to get your message, and the library thing sounds a poem up in review now A3077813 (i dedicated it to my dear late dad, who's birthday it would have been today 3rd Oct) worked ages on the rythm section, (not very anal yah see!smiley - biggrin) but each line has the same amount of beat as the one it ryhmes with..hope that is ok..coulden't make it all the same beat far too structured for me to follow, I am a bit of a anarchist pup yah knowsmiley - biggrin A rebel with a pawssmiley - laugh The persian princess is fine, even Kipper has been out of trouble (wonders never cease). Thank-you for your purple park Pr for me Jen, I think I'm one lucky pup tah have yah as a pal. I have started the story too and I am really enjoying writing it Jen..will give you a look when your work load is lighter. As I know you are in high demand Jen. Well hope yah have some lucious bickies in the jar..I'm trying to lose my winter coat so are trying to not have temptations bit boring thoughsmiley - ermWell me little ali tosus (can't be bothered lookin up correct spellingsmiley - biggrin) Hope Shorty and partner have got strong consitutionssmiley - biggrin What music are yah listening to. I better get dressed last day of freedom...and it's offically mid day and I'm still in me Jammiessmiley - runsmiley - coolsmiley - hugHave a good one Jen babysmiley - biggrinreal good to hear from you and will look forward to yah up coming sprog siblings. luv Serin

P S to S P

Post 10



I've just read your poem and i loved it for more than just your astute observational skill and wit. It was the fact that you wrote this with your Dad in mind. I wish you a really special day and hope you make a wish on his birthday, it's a special one to you. Here's a wee smiley - hug for you and a smiley - ale in his honour! And do treat yourself to a piece of smiley - cake, cos I've had half a packet of 'Toffypops'! (12 in a packet. Bought 2 packets, got another free. Am working my way greedily through the 'free' packet! Surely that doesn't really count? Yeah, right!) smiley - erm

And I'm chuffed that you are doing the 'Eliza Dolittle Tails', (well, hopefully a lot!! smiley - laugh), can't wait to get my 'claws' (Ha!) on it! Maybe 'Shorty' could be a wee visitor on his hols for a future piece! He'd have to have his own chair though and be allowed to sleep indoors. Fuss pot he is. Hates baths cos he looks like a drowned rat, but loves the hair-dryer and looking at himself in the mirror! Reminds me of a certain 'brother' of mine! smiley - laugh).

As for the current music I'm listening to, well it's been a very mixed bag tonight! I'm now listening to 'John Williams' the composer of over 50 films: Star Wars, Jane Eyre, JFK, Harry Potter, Schindler's List, E.T., Indiana Jones, Jaws to name a few. Phew! I really love film scores and would honestly say that this type of music is highly influential and inspires me so much. All instrumental and atmospheric you se. Feeling in that world tonight, early morning actually (4:12am), so I will sign off soon. But I won't start singing, will be arrested for noise control. Can hum pretty good under my breath though!

So dear friend and confident, mad Louise to DJ Melba Thelma - get dressed you lazy git and go do some house work, for gawd's sake! (Says I, who hasn't even washed the dishes from Friday night! Left them steeping, for the third time, in the sink when I was down making 'that' coffee earlier! smiley - winkeye).

I'm working on the little brothers & sisters and will call you for the nappy change beginning of week!
smiley - biggrin

Have a lovely day and catch ye soon, hon

Jen smiley - magicsmiley - bubbly

P S to S P

Post 11


Yah not going to believe this Jen but I too love film friend some ten years ago kept a compilation of film scores as she lent it for her wedding theme score from Ordinary people..also love the music from Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence..and the Mission..Brother Where art thou..and a John Walters Movie..She's Havin a baby..with Kate Bush number on it this woman's work..Lots of the classical stuff I love too. Have you ever heard Lakme's Flower Drum (?) think it's the name, (mind you it is the name of a very expensive chinese restaurant over here) used to be a British Airway's theme when I was living in England in the 80's. Well bye bye for now my little ripper, I better have a final curtain call and will look forward to catchin up in the new week. Cheers and jam a dodger for your mate Serin, Jensmiley - laughnsmiley - hug yah mate Fleas louise

P S to S P

Post 12


Flower duet by Lakme turn out its called Jen very baroque feminine sound..Have yah checked out the planet yet..funny he's been playin a bit of Irish music lately, but yah really never know what yah gonna get with that show..I will miss it for 8 weeks..still that's show biz, start my placement tommorrow Jen..wish me chookas oz thearatical sayin for good luck..see yah later me little jammy dodger..and I'll be watin withsmiley - bubblyready for yah bairne, Serin

P S to S P

Post 13


Hi serin,

Just a really quick wee note as I gather you've started the placement. (I'm running to work very, very soon!) Throwing you heaps of good Irish luck smiley - goodluck, and hope you've survived that first day of nerves. Bet you knocked them off their socks and told that wee fellah to 'wind his neck down'! smiley - laugh

Have, or hope you had, a wonderful hassle-free day today. My thoughts are with ye, Top Pup!

Will catch ye later for a longer chat!

Jen smiley - magicsmiley - biggrinsmiley - hugsmiley - laughsmiley - cheerssmiley - tongueoutsmiley - cheerupsmiley - cool......smiley - run

P S to S P

Post 14


Aw shucks thanks for making that effort on a Monday morning workday Jen. Mark, the guy, seems a decent sort and like me is known as a bit of a court Jester. He had requested a 1st year student as he aknowledged that he has only been in the job since April and still learning himself..I assured him I did not want to be a burden..and that I would try and make my own way with looking at whats around in the agency for the first fortnight and what area I want to focus on. There is a stunning aboriginal woman who I immeadiatley liked very giggly jen, however I found out she is leaving and going to work with the Aboriginal co-operative here, now there's joke perpetrated by Marks 12 year old son who is a spunk (now there is a ozzie sayin that'll bring yah to yah knees Jensmiley - biggrin) means cute here truly rulysmiley - laugh I'm not kiddin it does!!! Anyway young Jack was visiting his dad, Mark, and asked if I was going to replace this woman that is leaving..The work is a bit of a worry it really is the government putting job seekers (a lot disadvantaged yah know untrained, history of generational unemployment) into jobs that just don't exists here..then making them do work for the dole in places they will never get a job as they only except volunteers or people from that religous order (ie the Salvos) how Christian is thatsmiley - erm So if the job seeker is not prepared to do work for the dole or re-educate then they are breached of their dole by a percentage...sort of screwing the bolts all the time..Mark reckons that some punters say well I'll just go out and rob somebody..Just seems so regressive all this..especially as the only way you get a lot of the jobs here is through shmoozing the right people who most of the jobs lead to..that and playin in the right football team.. however I really want to earn some money and I would rather some of these people see the likes of me that has a social justice consciousness than some of the sharks that operate in the job market system..some of the real young ones love the power and will breach a person of their dole at the drop of the hat..Mark says he likes to give people a few that has endeared him to me..that and somebody with such a nice mannered cute son can't be that bad..and he has a goodf sense of a mixed bag so far..Well my darlin I hope your day went well and that yah had the library or book customers that are the stuff of art house movies..sorry for the long message but I think it is good to convey blow by blow my adventure..hope it is not boring for yahsmiley - ermHave a great evening if I don't catch yah Jen, Yah mate Serinsmiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - cheerupsmiley - oksmiley - tongueoutsmiley - coolsmiley - cool

P S to S P

Post 15


Hi Serin, The new placement sounds like a challenge if anything, and typically corrupt at th e top.The same sort of bargains are set with the unemployed here too - won't receive dole if they turn down certaiin placements/positions/ voluntary roles; even if they really are not up for it/suited or capable. Those at the top call the shots; those at the bottom get shot. Call it democracy? How dare they. It really is a fecked up state of affairs. Don't get me started. A vicious cirlce of Catch-22. Anyway, it's great to see that you're settling in and that 'Mark' is sound afterall, plus the 12yr old. I reckon you'll excel and have a really good experience. Here's to you - ! Mnd you 'spunk' means something so terribly different over here. You can use your imagination. Too early for me to spil it's meaning! And please keep informing me of all your adventures, it keeps me smiling! I remember you expressed an interest in the '60 Word Challenge', well the fourth one is about to begin. Names taken now. f you are up for it you will need to drop by and say that you are interested and put your name on the list asap, to ensure a place. The convo link is in Spiderbaby's folder: The closing date is next 16th October. Basically you write on one or all of titles in 60 words only. Once all posted up, each person marks all the pieces out of ten, bar their own, of course! Check back on the thread to see how this was done. It's fun and you get to meet other writers, besides us poets, and it is amazing the creativity and diversity it expels. You would need to be quick if you want to get your name down, only twenty to enroll. Good luck and hopefully see you there! I'm only in here for a wee while. Due work in the library at 1pm. Still in myPJ's and it's bucketing down outside. Too lazy to get dressed yet. Shorty is growling at his reflection in the window and basically doing my head in. Wee short crabit barks that go right through ye. Don't know what's wrong with him this morning. Just think he's pissed off with all the rain. Means no 'walkies' and peeing up against lamp-posts! Do you ever get like that?! I'll leave you with that trickly thought! Will speak to you later, doll. Have a great day and down with discrimination and power. Keep the faith! See ya Fleas-Lousie, Your faithful DJ Melba-Thelma! .........

P S to S P

Post 16


Well yah know the whole truth there are some things a pup can't resist..and that's a lampost..however there are some things in life I would not pee on if they were on firesmiley - laugh
Stuff such as the people yah were talking about that pull the strings at the top come to mind. Still does that mean that people I really feel good about I would pee on..Gawd knows..if yah see me in a street don yah mack Jen just in casesmiley - biggrin Thank-you for the time you have taken to link me in with things Jen i have registered with the 60 word challenge, yah ah real mover and shaker gal, an I reckon the beeb should put yah on the pay roll as grand pooh bar of co-ordination. I'm off on a student excursion with Mark tommorrow at 11am to the Dole office gawd help mesmiley - erm Plus I am going to have a case load of people that are hard to place there is only 3 of us that are welfare trained one of them is the Manager Libby and the others are myself and Mark so they are expecting me to work with those Mark has not the time to do instensive assistance with..and the manager gawd knows what she does..still she seems ok has sense of humour as well... Well my Irish rose is out and I must admit I did cast a thought to me special mate across the way when I cast my eyes on the first buds is called the Dublin rose it is a stunner a climbing rose that is a velvet red..even for a house divided by rose colour me originally from York (white rose)and partner from lancashire (red rose).. I still love the red rose..Anyway jen have a great evening and I will catch yah soon smiley - rose luv yah widdley piddley mate serin, seeyah later spunky trunkssmiley - biggrinsmiley - bubblysmiley - cool

P S to S P

Post 17


Gawd the rose took ages to turn up when I posted the previous message there was just a blank thought I'd been defloweredsmiley - biggrin Cheers melbasmiley - laughSerin

P S to S P

Post 18


OHH! Stop making me laugh or I'll pee mesell, pup!

I'm on a wee mission to read and review this morn (as off boards near 2 days), and took day off work, needed the break, so I'll send you a long, newsworthy note later, hon.
Hope all went and is going well at your place. Really sounds intersting yet a challenge, (and glad to see you've signed up for the '60 Word thing'! Cool! smiley - cheers
Have a wonderul day/evening.
Jen smiley - biggrinsmiley - coolsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - winkeye......smiley - run......smiley - somersault.......smiley - goodluck......smiley - laughsmiley - bubbly

P S to S P

Post 19


Serin sweets,

Just caught your message on 'doggy poem'. Gotta dash - Catching a bus to Dublin in two hours so will catch up with ye 'Moanday'. Will fill ye in when back. Gonna have a swell-hell time of it. Trip the light, bright fantasico! PHEW!
Have a cool w'end yerseklf and chill out. Put yer paws up and have a smiley - bubbly! I'll drink a barrelful! No peeing on the grass, now. Parker Kev will be angry!

DJ Selma-Thelma smiley - winkeyesmiley - laughsmiley - cheerssmiley - tongueoutsmiley - magicsmiley - kisssmiley - bubbly..............smiley - run

P S to S P

Post 20


Have a great time Jen..In Dublin fair city in stead of writin yah 60 word ditty.. I have written mine and have posted it had a couple of plays with it as I first wrote and posted it during a boozey session. Can't wait for yours Jen. It is not as easy as you might think initially to keep it to 60 words. All there is on the tele to night is bloody election stuff the same bloody conservative government has remained in power...labor leader only been in the job since Christmas and did not stand much of a chance..bloody conservatives put the frightners up everbody and said interest rates would go up on mortgages if the Labor party got in..and the electorates fell for I voted for the Greens don't want the environment totally stuffed up by the main parties..the greens got more seats I think..thats more grass for us parkies hey Jen. Catch yah when you get back I'll keep the park bench warm for yah.. smiley - biggrinsmiley - oksmiley - hugSerin

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