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Is I not been a faithful pup??

Post 1


Got a say it 'cause Mrs Gibson had the same conversation with me last week..and just had a bit of a grumble on Waringhudsucker's Join me list and felt..a bit I should have said it to yah...just I checked yah friendship list yesterday as you said to for inspiring poet and read I think it was a welsh chaps..about a book shop girl..sorry can't remember name now...but then I'd saw I been cast into the Abyss..not on the I on the pound death row waiting for someone tah come and collect me??? Now what is Mrs Gibson gonna think Jen I won't be able tah keep me head up??? I told her I had ousted her for you??? Anyway can't pretend I'm not a little tail between the legssmiley - ermsmiley - cheerupSerin

Is I not been a faithful pup??

Post 2


Awh, I would never to that me wee pup! C'mere 'till I give you a smiley - hug!
You ARE on my list! It's just because they alphabetise it you are on the next page is all! I wish you'd been an 'A' or a 'B' for easier and quicker access! Go check! Seriously! You are one of my top buddies here, wouldn't be without ye kid!
I have to go to bed now, but please don't think I'd move you out for anyone. Ain't gonna happen, girl! OK? Hope you're smiling now? Awh, that' the spirit!!
Jen smiley - smoochsmiley - cheerupsmiley - loveblushsmiley - bubblysmiley - magicsmiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - cheerssmiley - tongueoutsmiley - biggrinsmiley - winkeyesmiley - alesmiley - cool

Is I not been a faithful pup??

Post 3


Aw shucks I feel a Otis and Milo moment...Feel the same way a bit silly...but tad sensitive lately due to the nut cracker course...still nothin wrong with sensitive..all the good artist were and are, so hopefully we are in good company hey Jen..catch yah soon, luv yah faitful pup Serinsmiley - oksmiley - cheerssmiley - bubblysmiley - magic

Is I not been a faithful pup??

Post 4


No Worries Top Dog! smiley - laughsmiley - biggrinsmiley - hug!!
Mind ye this new-look site is doing my head in! Haven't got a fecking frig where I am half the time and I'm SOBER!! It's all TOO much and I can't find anything. I'm a purple chick not a beige-green sickie! Took me an age to dig out old messages and find this one!
Will catch you later, I do so hope. I have NO sense of direction and need to readjust me eyes! smiley - yikes

Jen...........................smiley - erm..........smiley - run.........smiley - biggrin

Is I not been a faithful pup??

Post 5


KNow what yah meen Jen... And there is a rather delicate matter of "I just want to read and I will get back later when I feel in more of a receptive mood" is that going to be seen as a snub.. I reckon timing is everything in life and sometimes for a variety of reasons yah may just want to check things out and not add anything....blimey a whole new delicate etiquette...dunno if I can convert that to puppiquette....smiley - biggrin ave a good one Serin

Is I not been a faithful pup??

Post 6


Are you asking me to piss off? smiley - ermsmiley - wah

Is I not been a faithful pup??

Post 7


No not you Jen just thinking how good it is sometimes just to puruse some of the threads without putting first I thought that ye old purple fella just came on when you added recent comment...yah know you could still do a bit of voyeourism...a whole pursuit of it's own Jen.... but no the bloodey thing shadows yah like the bleedin Phatom.....Dont mind you shadowin me at All me a shot up the monitor and a great laugh so see yah on the threads phatom Jen.....smiley - coolsmiley - kisssmiley - ok

Is I not been a faithful pup??

Post 8


smiley - laugh Yeah, I know what you mean! I don't really like the stalking of the gremlin with his green tick! AND I like just mozzing around unnoticed and spying on the seagulls that rest! smiley - winkeye
Well, I really DO have to go, got so much other work to do tonight and I need an early slumber. My wee pupils are falling out of the sockets and rolling about the floor, begging to be in a dark room. (Was working in library for 10 and a half hrs today and it was a bit of a scorcher, (the weather that is), so it drained more energy than I physically harboured).
Behave yerself pup and I'll wag my tales at you soon... Have a barkin' day! smiley - biggrin

Now PISS OFF, lliac ghosty, and let me do some over-due work! smiley - tongueoutsmiley - winkeyesmiley - nahnah!!

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