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Grub for thought

Post 1


Just a happy coincindence..or call it Serindippidy..but never been to Poetry reviewing site...a title out of so many..caught my I went to the Poem..turns out it is the opening Portfolio of RainMan...when I look down to his list of friends...guess who is one of two....Yep a certain Ms Pen Jen..guess what I am tryin to get at (slightly hungover Jen) is that when you have a good connection on here it is a meeting of minds and like seeks the the end I think that seperates the dogs from the bitchessmiley - biggrin Hope that makes some sort of self got to go dog is barking in vestibule and it's right near the computer..echoing like a Ba$$ard....smiley - ermcheerssmiley - bubblysmiley - smiley Serin

Grub for thought

Post 2


some sort of sense.. Jen...too bad your not around as I was up for a bit of a yack..but catch yah when yah backsmiley - biggrin

Grub for thought

Post 3


Hi little funny one!

I've just skipped in (12:46am), and have just caught up on all your messages! Thanks!
Sorry i wasn't about for the rest of the thing yesterday. Actually don't know how long I'll be on here tonight as am knackered and working 11 hours in library tomorrow from 9am, and just HAVE to get some sleep, that is more tahn 2-3 hrs!
I'm catching a flight early on Thurs morn as going to stay with a few (Irish) friends in London until next Wednes, so will be off these boards for about a week. Still have a 100 and one things to do/sort before I go. I'm loking forward to the break away, although I reckon it'll be a few mad nights ahead! I also think the boyfriend and the wee dog will be glad to be rid of me for a few days peace and quiet too! I've been a lazy bitch around the house as tend to spend time dottering arund in here when i could be washing-up, cleaning windows, moppng floorsblah, blah. Feck it, who cares?! smiley - laugh
Will you be needing ne to continue the 'role play' on the other threador are you fairly confident for Thurs? I will banter on in that theme if you do wish, no problem. I don't know if I've been much help, anyway! smiley - laugh
Let us know. Will be here for about an hour at least.
As for 'rainman' - (used to be Falls Rhode), he is a damn good poet. I could reccommend so many more to you also. Take a look at my friends list, they're all tucked in there and a great, supportive gang they are too. We have our serious moments and some really great craic too.
How's the goat 'Marley' - these days? smiley - biggrin

Jen smiley - ale

Grub for thought

Post 4


Look I really only needed to get to the point I did and that was make a connection of what happened in the past that may have bearing on what was going on in the present for the client...I think you have allowed me to do that and I know it is a difficult role play when you have got a pot pourri of stuff yah familiar with and when yah put stuff in from other..but I think that the reason I suggested that is because of self preservation...however if you want you can forget it now...I feel good about things...Marley is great in fact we just paid for him yesterday..the woman who we bought him from did not deliver him when we thought she was going to and we could not give her the money so she popped around for it yesterday. So he is now officially ours...he is still very far a going nere us..however he is friendly with the little black goat Iman....really gentle with the Springer Spaniel who is young and just want tah play..Marley takes all that in his stride..but gets out of my way when I give him food..I keep singin the Bob mantra..don't yah worrry cos everthing's gonna be alright...still have lots of fun with them all and it is a great contrast from spending my life livin in cities...I used to live in London Jen...Used to go to Camden Palace is that still goin??? Anyway I hope yah have a fab time..and don't yah worry you were a great help as to actually see the process unfold and written down is a big help for me...and Feck the housework..just leave a list of what needs doin before yah get back..thats my style...smiley - biggrinHave a good one and I'll keep a candle burnin till yah backsmiley - biggrin

Grub for thought

Post 5


Hey, if I could send you a postcard!, I would. I'm afraid I'll have to bail out now as my eyes are slipping out of their sockets and I cansee the key-board! Great for me as i rarely feel sleepy so I'm going to take advantage of this drift into slumber before it changes very. very soon! If I don't get to chat with you before Thurs, loads of good luck and I'll be thinking of you. Go knock 'em out, 'cause you rock!
Thanks for your always wonderful cheery spirit and please keep it up, Serin! Chat real soon. And big whay-hay to the goat, and the dog!

Jen smiley - hugsmiley - biggrin

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