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Haven't caught you...

Post 1


Hi Jen thought I haven't seen you on the threads that I haunt for a while ..but then I think I have sussed that there are bigger eggs to fry goin on...Bloody Noras's there no place on earth yah can escape polotics???Virtual prosaxs for everyone I think..Well keep fighting the good fight...I will just keep livin in hope the doo doo to escape..that's why I come escape it in the real world..Ere and remember it's back in the pool for you ms soon...I think we have a few contenders for the dead man's float..smiley - biggrin Catch yah around Serinsmiley - ok

Haven't caught you...

Post 2


Hi serin,
You always make me smile, crocodile! smiley - biggrin
Sorry I've been lax (the laxatives! Ha!) on the 'Olympic thread', I've been over-ecercising the wee brain, mouth and fingers. Will thta not be deserving enough for a bold gold?!
Good to see you're still dancing and spiralling all over the place and will catch up with you after w'end. Going home to the folks to get fed properly and take a walk along the shore, sink a few amber ones by the water's edge and meet up with the old gang of girls! Will swirly a couple for the candle maker! Have a cool w'end and catch up with you Mon night!
Hope I won't miss the closing Olympic ceremony! Or else!
Cheers ma dear!
Jen smiley - cheerssmiley - winkeye

Haven't caught you...

Post 3


Yeah Baby mines well..anything really slong as its got a kick..
Although I seemed to drink scotch and it doesn't make me sick..
Well I hope yah have a good time with mum and dad Jen..If your home in time and feeling bold have given a challenge for gold..One that I reckon I subconsiously wrote for you..cos I think I skewed the event so you could take it out...although I reckon Roy Spidey and Arrowqueen are in with a chance..still if yah give it a glance, not many would be able to do it..I mainly wanted to give yah a challenge as I know there has been some tuff stuff goin down in the old cyber space of this site...still I'm sure you sorted the sugar from the shite..Cheers catch yah Serinsmiley - ok

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