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Post 1


Hi Pj at the risk of sounding very needy. Can your shoot a prayer up to the wee god of clarity and focus and hope that they visit me as I have a gruelling assessment today Wed 11am here 2am your time ..and am trying to focus..btw the candles are not sold on mass in Ireland but some Irish people have bought them here and taken them back with them..however we are going to get a website together when this computer is freed up from study enough to do I will keep you posted..Have a good one ms PJ and will catch up soon..Serinsmiley - ale8.50am in the mornin but need a bit of dutch couragesmiley - stiffdrink well maybe something stronger if you insist pj..lead me to that assismint..bring it on...smiley - biggrin

God be wit ye, Kid!

Post 2


Awh Serin, God love ye! (I'm only here for a mo. Having all sorts of problems signing in etc...)
Will say a wee prayer to whatever God, (afraid I'm a lapsed follower), and will wish you a burst of relevant info & memory magic for the exam. I'll even light a candle! smiley - winkeye

Talking of which, would love it if you do keep me posted on the proposed site and I'll then check it out. Will also catch ye later. Away to practice that 'breast-stroke and 'Connect 4!'

Have a some smiley - ale + smiley - ale to help unwind when the dread is all over! Good luck, Kid!

Jen smiley - cheerupsmiley - biggrinsmiley - bubbly

The No Cigar is mine

Post 3


FECK FECK FECK.. because the woman who was meant to assess me and is head of the department FORGOT to turn up so three of us had Colin who has never taken counselling as a subject in his life and the regular counselling teacher..who is the blows hot and cold with some people one..any way I got performance accreditation (acknoweldegement that I had performed the requirements in every thing put a thing called processing of feelings.) this is where if you pen Jen, for example said to me," my husband doesn't do anything around the house.."I as the counsellor are meant to say..."you sound a little then acknowledge that you are resentful"(I was ok up to this point) then which is a pain in the arse to all us student as it just sounds really unatural and certainly people who are professional counselors say they just woulden't say it in the real world..I was meant to say..."tell me what resentful means to you when you feel resentment where do you feel it in your body.." I practised with a friend the night before who just cracked up and told me to feck off when I said that to hersmiley - biggrin...(that may have put me off saying what this bloody woman wants me to say in my video counselling session the next morning, that and I'm due for the lovely womanly visitor on Friday and find it hard to lateral think when this happens)..anyway the up shot is I have another shot next Thursday so feck feck feck if that fails then it is back for that subject next year.... My friend the one from last night has had ten years in youth work and took this course 2years ago in the City (Melbourne) and cannot believe that I have failed because I missed one thing....thank you for your encouragment Jen and hopefully I will bag it next week.. cos coming back next year just does not bear thinking about cheers from a smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahvery drained Serindippidydawg

The No Cigar is mine

Post 4


Hey, what would Colin know?! Dunny worry, you'll knock them side-ways next Thursday! Seems my candles didn't help, Maybe I should embrace the trickery of religion finally, for ye!
Seriously, it sounds such a fickle thing to fail you on and doesn't even comply with the real world! You will walk it, no problem. Just say/do the text-book stuff and get out of there. Dry them eyes, doll. The weekend is on the horizon and you will soon be out tripping the night fantasico! Enjoy and keep that tail still wagging, girl!!

Jen smiley - cheerupsmiley - hug

The No Cigar is mine

Post 5


Thanks Jen I will get some practise in with a fella student Judy who is kicking me up the botty and telling me failing is not an option...and I'm off on Monday to see Carol the lecturer who is going through the video tape with me to point out what I did and how she want it done..which is bizzare because the only part of the thing she says on my sheet I didn't do is what I told you the processing of gawd knows start moulding little wax effigies(?) of the teachers..lot in my class have had a gut full of much the same as I have told you I will have a good market...have lent a book so will study it cheers Jen again and sorry to be sounding a bit bluesy of late. Is yah planning a ragey weekend? I will see you on the threads Serinsmiley - smiley

The No Cigar is mine

Post 6


Aha! I KNEW you were somewhere else with a message!
Will catch your moonbeams in a few sprinkle of days!
Stay gold.
smiley - magicsmiley - bubbly

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