This is the Message Centre for PenJen

Be Gentle Jen

Post 1


Ere I'm no longer a Virgin but be gentle Jen as they say you never forget your firts critique.... Serin

Sweet Serin

Post 2


Hi my wonderful Aussie mate! How you keeping? Have read your piece 'Boxed in' and left comment. Like your ideas and wanted much more to ponder over. Forget the study for a wee while and let that muse free! Reckon there's one hell of a 'Diva' in there who can leave more than a lasting impression!

Speak soon,
Jen smiley - biggrin

Sweet Serin

Post 3


Cheers Jen have left a thank-you and a bit of a chunter... probaly at a inappropriate spot on my my piece thread. Tah very much and I will try to nurture my inner Diva. Stay Cool... Serinsmiley - cool

Sweet Serin

Post 4


Its wizzin down here and I'm off today it's 12pm arvo and I make it out to be 3am your time Jen..anyway I have added some more to my work. Hope it still sounds a bit fired up due to your comments.. cheers Serin oh please let me know what you think to the additions at yur leisure.Tah in advancesmiley - biggrin

Sweet Serin

Post 5


Yes, the little mad insomanic is stll up and shuffling around! 'Tis now 3:06am and I have so many returns of favours outstanding. I am delighted that you have written some more stuff and will get a thorough read of them tomorrow night for sure! So, have a great day off and chill out. Wear a raincoat and take a brolly!

Catch you soon, Kid!

Jen smiley - cheers

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