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GGGGG oats and stuff

Post 1


Sounds like a great night out PJ me goat is fine told the lecturer today I'd rather do a stint in Quantanamo(?cant spell it) bay than the course.. He knows where we are all at as everybody is feeling the same.. But part from that ok I'm off to the pub 2morrow night and will be on more in tune with your post then... if you know what I mean... Sorry to hear about your burnt hand shove an iceblock on it from the night cap I'm sure you'll be having.. Goat is fine Marley is havin no woman no cry as he is still tied up and can't get to the female Iman she is a little black cashmere...Got a presentation on businees networking 2morrow feck feck feck then a debate on bloody immigration... then another presentation so I'm flat out like a lizard drinking water as they say over here Jen... shall we have a cyber scotch... I'd lurv one... Ang on to your tights in the monsoon dahlin ... Cheers from Dippidydog

GGGGG oats and stuff

Post 2


Hello poppet!

How's that damn studying coming along? I sense a lot of dossing going on, eh? smiley - biggrin
Can't believe you got a GOAT! Three billy's and a bit of gruff too, perhaps? Do you take it for walkies along the seafront?
I suffered big time today, raging headache and mouth like a fur boot. Hand has healed but knees real sore. Could always say that i was up praying all night, on bended knees on stone floor, praying for the souls of all the sinners I know. (Would be still there if that was so!)
Also serin, iwill be absent from here for about 3-4 days as having a big mad, Irish family reunion, 60 of us, over the w'end and will probably not be sober for a wee while. But will drink to your study and I will study the drink!

Have a wicked night out tonight, (you are hitting the town aren't you? And have a brill w'end. 'Tis 2:10am with me now, Have a little reviews and reading to ctch up on and might hurl a little poem into the fold of the poetry quilt later if I can be bothered. Feeling bit sleepy but then again might not be arsed. We shall see... smiley - alesmiley - cool

GGGGGuiness and stuff

Post 3


Hi Pj well looks like my nights will be a tad lonlier for the time being.. and thanks for the tip re your family get together 60 Irish people at a family reunion makes this doggy feel like snappin up some shares in Guiness! Hope it all goes well and big dippidy cheers from me.. I'm on a high cause my presentation on networking is over and it went down pretty well.. so big smiley - cheersfrom Serin and catch yah real soon!

GGGGGuinness and stuff

Post 4


Sacrilege I spelt guinness wrong in my last post ... Damm! there's a certain risque edge that is missing these nights! Just have to make do with Whoopi Goldberg on tele rerun to night.. and count the sleeps till.. me raging mate Pen Jens back
I'm waiting with the drinks Jensmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale

GGGGGuinness and stuff

Post 5


How have you been? haven't seen you darting about the boards this week, are you in the middle of exams? If so, best o' the Irish luck, old dear!
Will leave you a longer memo tomorrow as 'tis 4:54am and my right eye has gone to sleep! Stay cool 'dippity! smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

GGGGGuinness and stuff

Post 6


Yeah it is pretty tough schedule at present lots of assignments and yippe my team won the debate we did yesterday.. still got a presentation to do on Wednesday and write up a report re a 2hour presentation I did Friday. Thank-you for the irish luck yah know my mum's dad was irish never met him as he died when she was five. Apparantly he was very good looking I saw a photo of him once and he looked a bit like a Cary Grant type of his time.. How did your family get together go???Did you have enough Guinness to warm the cockles against some of those relos (aussi sayin) that you just can't cope with yah know the type I mean nearly every family has them?? I'm really buggered as it is a tad overwhelming at present but just hanging on to the fact that it will all be over by Nov 29th....I hope to catch you on the threads soon as you certainly have a presence that I missed cheers dipsmiley - bubbly

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