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What are you on, Man? (& donrenardo)

Post 1


Thanks for reading my little tale. You're very prolific, unlike me. I don't write in any particular style/genre (you could peruse 'I Know a Man Who'll...'

I don't know much about poetry. Well, I've read several of your 'poems' - very postmodern - like the everyday language.smiley - cool

So spare, such angst.

Some of it's ambiguous - so it's up to the readers what they deduce.

Bare-knuckle stuff - you don't dress it up.

So, why do I smile? Is it one of those smiles we do when we're unsure/dumbstruck?

Do hope 'Blind & in a Wheelchair' is not autobio?

Right on!

What are you on, Man? (& donrenardo)

Post 2


Hello Birbeck

And thanks, too, for checking out my stuff.

No, pleased to say I aint in a wheelchair. (Not blind either).

Take care

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What are you on, Man? (& donrenardo)

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