A Conversation for Kate Bush - Singer-songwriter

Kate's Roots

Post 1


Kate Bush was born on Wednesday July 30, 1958. She attended St. Josephs Convent School at Addey Wood. She recorded her first PROFFESIONAL demo with Dave Gilmour (singer and guitarist for Pink Floyd) at AIR studios and signed with EMI in 1976.

Kate's Roots

Post 2

Trout Montague

Abbey Wood?

Kate's Roots

Post 3

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I did see on a website (http://www.paradiseplace.org.uk/Kate/katep2.html) that she went to 'St Joseph's Convent school, Abbey Wood, but as far as I can see, there isn't one in Abbey wood, unless it closed a while ago. St Ursula's Convent, Greenwich, yes. St Joseph's RC primary (again not Abbey Wood).

She could have gone to St Mary & St Joseph Catholic School in Sidcup, though.


smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Kate's Roots

Post 4


i appreciate the correction!smiley - smiley

Kate's Roots

Post 5


thanks i'll check on that.smiley - ok

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