A Conversation for Cannabis

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Post 1

Researcher 28776

The law states that smoking dope is not a good thing. I say poo. This is the same law that says that you shouldn't kill other people or
take things that don't belong to you.

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Post 2


Yeah, And your point is....? Enquiring minds want to know.

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Post 3


maybe you want us to notice the odd one out ie. murder - crime, stealing - crime, smoking pot -NOT crime.

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Post 4

Johnny Guitar

Acid, are you sure you're not a government plot to persuade people to keep this drug illegal? "God, look what's happened to him, it must be bad for you!"

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Post 5


I think we've already covered this ground but he's really backing up the argument that marijuana+marijuana+marijuana+a little bit more marijuana= incoherence.

And no I couldn't make it into the government as I failed the IQ test. mine was above the maximum threshhold. (my friend neil, who is a blackboard duster failed also, for the same reason)

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