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Peer Review: A2469882 - 'The Princess Diaries' - by Meg Cabot

Post 1


Entry: 'The Princess Diaries' - by Meg Cabot - A2469882
Author: Niwt - U162817

smiley - coffee

Just one small problem - when I searched on Amazon.com, it appeared that the books have different titles in the USA, and I've used the Australian/British(?) titles in the entry. Would any USAians like to confirm that? It seems they're called things like 'Princes in the Spotlight' and 'Princess in Love'.

Comments? smiley - cake

Niwt smiley - cheers

A2469882 - 'The Princess Diaries' - by Meg Cabot

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

Hi Niwt. I haven't read these books, but the entry appears to be well written and informative. I'm afraid I can't help you no the American titles.

You might mention Monaco in your footnote about Genovia. From your description, Genovia sounds like Monaco with the name changed.

You should put a full stop (period) after that footnote.

You should not put a full stop at the end of the sentence that ends !). You don't use a full stop after the closing bracket when the thing inside the brackets ends in a question mark or exclamation mark.

A2469882 - 'The Princess Diaries' - by Meg Cabot

Post 3


Genovia is a bit like Monaco I suppose, but I think there are some differences because Genovia is slightly unbelievable. The people don't have to pay taxes, for example.

smiley - erm Do they pay taxes in Monaco?

A2469882 - 'The Princess Diaries' - by Meg Cabot

Post 4


Okay, made changes. smiley - ok The footnote did have a fullstop. smiley - erm

A2469882 - 'The Princess Diaries' - by Meg Cabot

Post 5

Gnomon - time to move on

Sorry, I didn't explain myself well. The footnote has a full stop, but the sentence the footnote is attached to does not have a full stop.

A2469882 - 'The Princess Diaries' - by Meg Cabot

Post 6


Whoops, must have missed that. All done now. smiley - biggrin

A2469882 - 'The Princess Diaries' - by Meg Cabot

Post 7


"You're" means "you are" smiley - winkeye

A2469882 - 'The Princess Diaries' - by Meg Cabot

Post 8


From what I can tell the American titles are:

Vol 1 - The Princess Diaries
Vol 2 - Princess in the Spotlight
Vol 3 - Princess in Love
Vol 4 - Princess in waiting
Vol 4 and a half (not sure what that's about) - Project Princess
Vol 5 - Princess in Pink
Vol 6 - No pre-release info as far as I can find.

Also available:
Princess Lessons
Perfect Princess

Hope that's of some help.

A2469882 - 'The Princess Diaries' - by Meg Cabot

Post 9


I think 'Einsten' is actually spelt 'Einstein'.
Couldn't see that much else actually wrong with this entry - haven't read the books, see, only seen the movie and that was a while back.

Emily J. here, btw, the old account kept stuffing up what with the email for login ... I'm at anu now ... yes.

smiley - biggrin

A2469882 - 'The Princess Diaries' - by Meg Cabot

Post 10

Gnomon - time to move on

One tiny change:

and the fact her mother --> and the fact that her mother

smiley - smiley G

A2469882 - 'The Princess Diaries' - by Meg Cabot

Post 11


Fixed, Gnomon smiley - cheers

thanks for the titles, DepressedYak. I'll add them to the entry. It appears I haven't read 4 1/2 (don't think it's available here!) but I'll mention it anyway. smiley - ta very much....

A2469882 - 'The Princess Diaries' - by Meg Cabot

Post 12

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

I think this is just about ready to go once the alternative titles have been added smiley - ok

A2469882 - 'The Princess Diaries' - by Meg Cabot

Post 13


thanks, I'll do that tomorrow smiley - ok

A2469882 - 'The Princess Diaries' - by Meg Cabot

Post 14


OK, done the titles. smiley - ok

Unfortunately, it looks really confusing because of the different titles. Title of Number 6 is only available in the Australian titles, and not in American. Also, only 5 books have been released and she's planning 15, so this entry looks like a time-problem. smiley - erm

A2469882 - 'The Princess Diaries' - by Meg Cabot

Post 15

Witty Ditty

Not read the entry - but as regards whether Monaconians(?) pay tax - they don't pay direct tax - from here: http://www.monaco.mc/monaco/info/institutions.html

'Freedom from direct taxation for all residents except French citizens moving to the Principality after 1957.

'Since the Sovereign Ordinance of 8th February 1869 abolishing the land tax, the personal and goods taxes and the business tax, the fiscal policy of the Principality has been marked by the absence of direct personal taxation. Physical persons of Monégasque or foreign nationality residing in the Principality are therefore not subject in the Principality to any tax on their personal income, whatever its origin.

'But it must be added that the Franco-Monégasque Fiscal Convention of 18th May 1963 laid down that physical persons of French nationality, who move their domicile or habitual residence to Monaco - or who cannot prove five years residence in Monaco before 13th October 1962 - are subject in France to French taxes under the same conditions as if the said physical persons had their domicile or residence in France.'

A2469882 - 'The Princess Diaries' - by Meg Cabot

Post 16


smiley - yikes Let's all move to Monaco! smiley - biggrin

why don't they have to pay tax? In Genovia I think it's 'cos the gov makes enough money from tourism. smiley - erm

A2469882 - 'The Princess Diaries' - by Meg Cabot

Post 17

Witty Ditty

Well - from what I can quickly find - the abolition of direct tax happened in 1869 after the opening of their first casino (surrounding countries had restrictions on gambling at the time - so, as a concequence, they boomed from gambling tourism) - stamp duty, their equivalent of VAT and industry taxes are still in force.

That said - your reason may be true; Monaco is a very small country - of about 30,000 people; perhaps more tax can be obtained from gambling, drinks and real estate than the actual inhabitants...

Stay smiley - cool,

A2469882 - 'The Princess Diaries' - by Meg Cabot

Post 18


smiley - groan Gnomon's right again...

A2469882 - 'The Princess Diaries' - by Meg Cabot

Post 19

Gnomon - time to move on

Where? Where? I never said nothin'.

A2469882 - 'The Princess Diaries' - by Meg Cabot

Post 20

Witty Ditty

Well - if you want to have something to link to - and it's well worth flicking through


Official site of the principality smiley - smiley

Stay smiley - cool,

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