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Life, love and laundery.

Post 1


Well, one out of three, anyway.

Namely, love.

I.E. A state I am in, and have been for *looks at calender* exactly3 months now.

July 2nd 04, I tell my love that I love her. It had been building up for a while, but I was trying to fight it. She had told me that if I loved her, she would find it hard not to love me back. As we had agreed neither had the time for a relationship yet, due to college, I knew life would be easier if I didn't fall in love.

However, love is too powerful an emotion to completely ignore. The Friday evening, I told her she had a place in my heart, and then the on the Monday (the 2nd July) I told her I loved her for certain. I had spent all that morning praying to God, asking for his confirmation of my feelings, and all through the day as well, 'til finally, at 4:00 after college had finished, I took her aside, into the local library and told her my feelings.

In those situations, you either expect a "Oh, wow, great, I love you too" or an "You WHAT?" reaction. For me, I had a few minutes silence. She was still sorting out her feelings, I later found out, she liked me a lot, she loved me as a friend, and as a child of God, but she didn't yet know if she loved me 'in that way'.

And so life continued, we stayed close friends and contacted each other daily. Then, on July 24th, she went off for a weeks Soul Survivor Camp. While she was away (the 27th, she told me after) she spent a lot of time praying and finding out God' Will for her next step in life. One of the things she realised is that she loved me. She said afterwards that it was the best time for it to happen, she was away from my influences and "sheer wonderfulness". When I am with her, she apparently feels like she loves me, and has done for a while, but feeling and knowing that she loved me when she hadn't seen me or heard from me for a week, showed that she truely did love me.

The day she came back, she phoned up, all excited, and told me she *had* to tell me how great it was. I met her in a small park by a river, waiting for her to tell me about all the great things she did on camp. We talked casually for a bit, then she handed me a piece of paper. It said on it, that she loved me. I have had fewer happier days in my life to this day, though it looks like she'll give me other days to remember as well.

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Life, love and laundery.

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