A Conversation for Temple of the Guide

Temple Entrance

Post 181


Er...based on this pattern, how does one differentiate the Mass of Christ, Christmas (now known as Thingmas) with the Mass of Stephen, Stevenmans (now also, I assume, known as Thingmas)?

Temple Entrance

Post 182

Thing Thom Thing-Thimple of the Holy Society of Thingites, High Thing of Thingy


I think you misunderstand. There exists no need for differentiation. With the passing of sodit, wibble and all the rest we discovered a more more simple way in which the days of the week are called Thing, Thing, Thing, Thing, Thing, Thing and Thing. It is good that there is only one way, one Thing, one ....... yes well I think you must get the point by now.

smiley - spork

Temple Entrance

Post 183

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

When we get back, if I say the word thing, I want people to smack me.

Temple Entrance

Post 184


Hold me back ...... we could start the smacking now smiley - evilgrin

Temple Entrance

Post 185


*Affy refrains from chuckling at the mental thought of Thingite wikipedia*

Well then, can't dawdle. Got evil to topple before winter ends, and a tree to return.

Temple Entrance

Post 186

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

And about time, too. Lead on to the Dark Tower!

Temple Entrance

Post 187


*Prepares to follow Lil, having run the usual checks on her carameliser*

Temple Entrance

Post 188

Thing Thom Thing-Thimple of the Holy Society of Thingites, High Thing of Thingy

Well I suppose that someone will need to show you the Thingy.

From the halls of The Dark Chocolate Tower its missionaries depart to spread their vile and corrupted ideas. It is a place to be feared and avoided and to be brought here is usually an unpleasant thing. You will need to be on your guard at all times.

The Tower is surrounded by a sticky toffee moat and can only be crossed by the drawbridge which is protected by a Gingerbread Guardhouse. Once inside the Tower complex there is an Inner Courtyard to cross before you can enter the Tower.

The Tower itself has several levels - you will enter on Level II. From here you will have a choice whether to go up or go down. Level II contains the kitchens where the magical smiley - donuts were baked and from here you can go down to Level I where the dungeons are located our up to Level III.

On Level III can be found the Great Hall and from the Hall a narrow spiral staircase leads to Level IV and the Brown Council Chamber. From the Chamber a hidden passage way will take you to Level V and the repository of the One

Along the way you are likely to encounter minions of the One. Some of them are extremely powerful - particularly members of the Brown Council. You may also encounter lost researchers who have been "converted" by them - often in some hideous fashion. It would be helpful if you meet any of these lost souls to try and remind them of their previous existance as this may help them to return to the true way.

Then there is The One himself to deal with ...... I trust you are suitably prepared for this ordeal ?

If you are then your first task is to take the Gingerbread Guardhouse at F1741149?thread=382054 without alerting the Tower.

smiley - spork

A more complete description of the Dark Chocolate Tower, its environs and its history can be found at A2296325

Temple Entrance

Post 189


*Marvels at the many uses of "blasphemous" words in that description, but doesn't comment on it*

Sounds like the most powerful witch that Hansel and Gretel never faced. Onward then!

Temple Entrance

Post 190

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

I agree, let's get on with it.

Temple Entrance

Post 191


*realises that her carameliser could quickly make chocolate coated ginger bread out of her surroundings*

Temple Entrance

Post 192

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

/* Spits out his PAG and checks to see that his weapon still works. */

So how do we get to this gingerbread guardhouse?
smiley - dog

Temple Entrance

Post 193


*A rift in time opens, showing d'E the ghostly image of Affy following a link a few posts earlier. The image inexplicably closes after it does so*

Temple Entrance

Post 194

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

smiley - blush I didn't follow the link, assuming we would have to get to their somehow first. Is the Gingerbread Guardhouse adjacent to the Temple of the Guide? I'm having a continuity crisis.
smiley - dog

Temple Entrance

Post 195

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

smiley - blushsmiley - blush substitute "there" for "their". Hic! Happ newy year! smiley - cheers

Temple Entrance

Post 196


I just assumed that the trip to the guardhouse was one of those things that happens in stories between chapters. Sorry if I jumped the gun.smiley - winkeye

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