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Well that was a waste of effort

Post 1

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

I came across a rather right-wing and somewhat racist blog post, and put a bit of effort into writing a comment explaining some misconceptions the writer had made in her argument. I posted the comment (it's now pending approval).

Then I glanced at the rest of the blog. The latest post runs through the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. She does mention that it is "claimed" to be a fake.

TRiG.smiley - sigh

Well that was a waste of effort

Post 2

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

Her post:

Two problems: One, you are completely misusing the term political correctness. I have no idea what you mean by the phrase, so I don't know what most of your post is talking about. You certainly aren't using it in the generally understood meaning, "calling people by the names they choose for themselves", or, as we used to call it, being polite.

Second, the media certainly do not demonise white boys any more than they do boys of any other colour. In fact, much of the British media attack immigrants whenever they can.

And, incidentally, this: Any time a man complains of such abuse he is ridiculed and branded a “wimp”. This is one of the things which feminism seeks to address.


smiley - popcorn

Well that was a waste of effort

Post 3


I've realised some people are trying to change the meaning of 'under attack' (as in "Christianity/white people/heterosexuals are under attack") from it's true meaning of enduring an assault to something along the lines of 'being denied the overwhelming privileges X once held"

It's insidious and quite worrying especially when you look at what a similar shift for the word socialist has done for American political discourse.

Well that was a waste of effort

Post 4

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

Also, Christians are being "bashed".

Rob Tisani is very good at these videos. He also has a rather good blog called Waking Up Now.

TRiG.smiley - grr

Well that was a waste of effort

Post 5

Sho - employed again!

but was it a waste of effort really?

I know that both of you feel very strongly about this kind of thing and you are not alone there.

It's like the instances of sexism and misogynism in the workplace that I come accross. I call on it every time, so much so that it's like a Pavlovian response and _the people making the original remarks expect it_ so it means hat they KNOW and have identified their sexist/misogynist crap and expect my reply. Which I give, every time (depending of if I suspect they are trying to wind me up I'll use different levels of snark at them)

But the main point is with me, and with you, that we don't let it go. And the more people that don't let it go, the better things get.
smiley - hug

I don't expect any of it to stop in our lifetimes though smiley - sadface

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