This is the Message Centre for Lovely Lenore

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Post 1


are you fine, no work lately,
snowed in?
hope your haveing grand time.smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - magic

sometimes work gets in the way

Post 2

Lovely Lenore

of writing. Wouldn't you know it! smiley - sadface
And I have brain lapses where every bit of verse or comment is flat as week old beer.

Truly was busy with work. Snow is gone. smiley - ok for the moment although it is below freezing and we shall pay dearly for this bit of respite later in the winter.

Perhaps I am missing my boys, away at uni both studying their brains out for midterms (fingers crossed heresmiley - biggrin) and moaning about what I shall buy for all for Christmas gifts. (Seems like I just bought for last Christmas!)

Hope you are well. Shall try to read some of your new ones. I have been remiss. smiley - wah

Thanks for the smiley - bubbly (tickles my nose!!)smiley - laugh L.

sometimes work gets in the way

Post 3


have good nose tickle,smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly
we have mild non de script weather,
as for christmas it is getting here faster
prob due to stores starting it all of so early.
me i have weak immune system so contract virus colds quickly
which have had for about 4 weeks,
so up and down.
take care ggb xxx

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