This is the Message Centre for The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

waving not drowning

Post 1

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

oopps sorry didn't mean to delete thissmiley - blush

waving not drowning

Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

Delete ?
Hiya smiley - smooch

waving not drowning

Post 3

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

Yeah there was a quote from a song by a singer called Josef Locke. I deleted by accident.
How are you?
Sorry unable to open pictures you sent me.smiley - blue

waving not drowning

Post 4

aka Bel - A87832164

That's odd, but happened to somebody else a while ago. smiley - erm
I'll just send it again, hope it will work then smiley - smiley
Off for a nap now, back later

( Oh, and when does the party at work start ? )

waving not drowning

Post 5

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

The presentation is at 15:00

waving not drowning

Post 6

aka Bel - A87832164

Ok, I'll just send you the link then before I'm off. Back later smiley - smooch

waving not drowning

Post 7

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

Deja vu!?

I've just said that!?

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