This is the Message Centre for Evil Army of H2G2

(The Post) What is it that makes you a great active community?

Post 1


Sorry for those who have seen this elsewhere, but I'm doing the rounds of popular groups on hootoo on behalf of the post, to basically get some info on them, and just get some comments. Although trying to make this different for each groups is starting to get more challenging (to avoid this appearing as spam!) but I digress!

What I'd like to do is get the feelings and comments of people in the community. Not to limit, but to give a taste of what I'm after I'd ask the questions : What is it that makes this group great to you? What's happened lately that's made you want to post to the group? What made you join the group? Which people have affected you most in the group? Has it made your h2g2 experience different/better/sidewayssmiley - winkeye ? Or anything that you'd like to say about the group.

I'd also like to hear about any other groups or active forums you're involved in, and what you like about them?

Let's see if we can't get representative of hootoo groups in the post smiley - thepostsmiley - ok I hope you find this useful! smiley - cheers

(The Post) What is it that makes you a great active community?

Post 2

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

I've been offline as my computer hath kersploded but I'd be happy to give this a whirl. Do you still need people to do this?

(The Post) What is it that makes you a great active community?

Post 3


Absolutely smiley - ok Glad to see you back! I'm still doing this, just have had to take a bit of time out from compiling it in to some sort of article just yet.

(The Post) What is it that makes you a great active community?

Post 4

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Let me consult my crack team of people that sit around and drink all of my tea.

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