This is the Message Centre for Redbeard

Welcome, Redbeard!

Post 1

Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged

Hi, I'm one the young'uns who's an ACE nowadays smiley - smiley

You seem to have an old account, and things in the accounts business have changed quite a bit round here. However, if you try to login using the new system with the exact *same* username and password as you used to use, things should automatically just work.

If however, you have problems (eg forgetfulness like me smiley - winkeye), you can contact the h2g2 staff at (changing (at) to @) who should be able to track down your old details.

smiley - magic

spelugx -- <./>ace</.>

Welcome, Redbeard!

Post 2


Ah, you little whippersnapper. Thanks for the delightful welcome.

Yes, I guess I'm an old-timer, feeling even older now, thank you very much. Why I remember (probably 'fore you was born) when Alabaster didn't even exist - when Goo didn't need the word "classic." Yes, I'm a veteran of the Celery-WebJello campaign (was one of the campaign managers). I was Loremaster of Continuity, a reporter for the Post, document procurer at the Spacefarer's Cantina (and had my own ship in the Space Centre).

I had my own mug specially designed by Asteroid Lil in the Aroma Cafe and my own Redbeard's Brew. I tasted the heaven that was Mad Hatter's cooking and had adventures from the bowels of the F&F to safaris in alternate dimensions.

I think it was the combination of becoming an Ace and the heartbreaking loss of the Celery campaign that cause me to spontaneously dissolve. They scooped up the bits and pieces and placed me in a padded cell for the past 4 years.

Finally now, I've been released, but without much substance (obviously not even enough to activate my old page, although I may follow your suggestion).

Again, thanks for the welcome!

- the ghost of Redbeard

Welcome, Redbeard!

Post 3

Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged

smiley - ok

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