This is the Message Centre for Apatheologian

Feelings. Nothing more.

Post 1


Have you ever been met by something you find repulsive? Have you ever condemned that thing which repulsed you? Did the transgressor behave as though they'd somehow been maliciously wronged? Did you not want for nothing more than to say, "Listen, you pathetic excuse for a human being; when you f*ck up and do something terrible that's -your- fault. If I hurt your little feelings, called a spade a spade and made you feel guilty for doing something bad, I'm not going to be hurt because you consider me mean. I won't, however, compromise myself by arguing with you. Giving your little defence validation, hah. Grow up. You can't always say or do just want. Consider your responsibility to other human beings.

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Feelings. Nothing more.

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