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Fellow night shift worker

Post 41


Oh well! Plenty of time to make your mind up I guess! smiley - cheers
Just like ive got another 6 and 3/4hrs to go yet! doh!!smiley - wah

Fellow night shift worker

Post 42

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

well, i shal have to leave you shortly im afraid, as i have to do loads of h/w tomorrow, smiley - zzz

Fellow night shift worker

Post 43


Sure! no problem! hopefully i'll have a quiet night. Doesnt seem too bad so far as you can probably tell! I'm on here most nights so message me anytime! speak to you soon! smiley - ok

Fellow night shift worker

Post 44

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

ooooooooook smiley - flyhi

Fellow night shift worker

Post 45

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

at work again i see! im not on for long, im gonna watch harry hill at 11, but ill be back after if you wanna chat?

Fellow night shift worker

Post 46


Sure, bit busy at the moment but leave me a post when you're free and i'll get back to you smiley - biggrin

Fellow night shift worker

Post 47

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

im back, harry hill is soooo funny!

Fellow night shift worker

Post 48


must confess i dont find harry hill very funny. i like people like billy connolly - rowan atkinson - simpsons - stuff like that! been busy today? smiley - ok

Fellow night shift worker

Post 49

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

yea, thats my sort as well. just homework, u?

Fellow night shift worker

Post 50


spent the day sleeping today to be honest. didnt go to bed until near lunchtime as didnt really feel tired after i got home. smiley - erm so not a lot! its friday night and the freaks are out! spoken to a few already! doh! smiley - wah anything good on tv at moment? smiley - sadface

Fellow night shift worker

Post 51

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

nah, gonna watch a video i recorded, most haunted. so what strage ppl are out then?

Fellow night shift worker

Post 52


all sorts! you wouldnt believe! they all come out on the weekend! drunk people (driving as well), crazy people, unreasonable idiots who dont know where they are! smiley - erm whos in most haunted? cant remember!

Fellow night shift worker

Post 53

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

its that program with derick acorah, a medium, and that woman, yvette, thats always scared, and cries and screams alot! the one i watched last night was really freaky! do you believe?

Fellow night shift worker

Post 54


do i believe in ghosts!? not sure! guess there has to be something! at least i would hope! if the end really is the end then that would be scary!smiley - winkeye

Fellow night shift worker

Post 55

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

yea, it would

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