This is the Message Centre for Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

Welcome to H2G2 Ford

Post 1



I noticed you started on hootoo so I thought I'd pop by and give you the official welcome with a few useful links thrown in for good measure smiley - ok

Welcome to H2G2. I'm Kiltedjedi one of the Assitant Community Editors (<./>ACE</.>s). We're here to help you find your way through Life, the Universe and Everything that is available on this site.

As you explore the site you may find that quite a few researchers have very jazzy personal spaces. If you want to try something with your own space then the Spicing up your page link at A690518 is a great place to start.

If you haven't already taken it then catching the smiley - bus for the <./>DontPanic-Tour</.> is an excellent way to start learning about the site.

Also helpful are:-
smiley - rocketRocketmans links A725500
smiley - starFeisors help page A719840
smiley - planetI'm new what do I do now page at A868098.

There are many places of interest throughout the site, such as <./>ThePost</.>smiley - thepost which is a great weekly read, or read or submit entries into PeerReview or for more fictional and irreverent entries try the Alternative Writing Workshop <./>writing-alternative</.>. There is a great page with lots of good info if you want to <./>Contribute</.> to the guide. There are also a great many places where people are talking on and about the guide, many can be found at the <./>Talk</.> page.

You may notice a load of smileys in conversation forums and there is a great help page on using these at the <./>Smiley</.> page. smiley - planetsmiley - ufosmiley - rosesmiley - stout

Your name, password and email address can be changed by using the <./>UserDetails</.> option. This will make you more than just a number smiley - ok.

Feel free to drop by my space for a chat, or if you have any questions by replying to this message, or clicking on my name at the top. I'm sure I could provide smiley - alesmiley - stiffdrink or smiley - oj and smiley - choc if you prefer.

Happy Surfing and hope to see you around the guide

KJsmiley - biggrinsmiley - cheerssmiley - towel

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Welcome to H2G2 Ford

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