This is the Message Centre for Susanne - if it ain't broke, break it!


Post 1


Greatings Susanna. My name is Dark-moon. You have a cool name by the way how did you come up with it?


Post 2

Susanne - if it ain't broke, break it!

hello Dark-moon!
after a quick visit to your personal space, I see that you are quite new on h2g2. if you have any questions, ask right away.
how are you? please, sit down and have some smiley - cake, tell me about yourself.
my name Susanne is my real name smiley - biggrin when I first came to h2g2 they said: fill in your name, and I was a little unimaginative. the german spelling is a little confusing for english people, I don't mind other forms, Sue, Susan, whatever. smiley - smiley
so, what would you like to talk about?


Post 3

Susanne - if it ain't broke, break it!

oh, I should say that I'm a little bit unreliable with answering conversations, please don't be offended if I don't answer for a few days, I'll get back to you in the end.
smiley - tea


Post 4


My sister Siouxsie's real name is susanna, so I thought that was so cool. Thanks for answering 2 me and don't worry sometimes it takes me days 2 reply cuss I have a lot of stuff 2 do.


Post 5


So as to conversations what kinda things are u into? How old r u by the way as well.


Post 6


Right well I go 2 high school, I'm young and have dark, curly, hair. I love my rock music and am normally respectful and kind I always am open-minded and come from ni and am a girl.
Anything else u need 2 know I haven't mentioned?


Post 7


Like how young does a person have 2 be before u feel uncomfortable talking 2 them?


Post 8

Susanne - if it ain't broke, break it!

don't worry about age, I like talking to people of all ages.
I'm 19 years old and finished school this summer. right now I'm in a constant state of embarrassment because I am not really doing anything, not yet going to university and not having a job either.
and do you like going to school? tell me about it, please. smiley - smiley
and you said you like rock music- wonderful! I try to listen to many different sorts of music, but I have a special connection to rock from the sixties or seventies.
I like that you wrote you're normally kind and respectful, I feel that is important.
what else? well, as I said, I'm 19 years old, living in Germany, brown hair (constant bad-hair day smiley - laugh), blue eyes, I love music, movies, books, travelling, sunshine.


Post 9


Cool. I'm 12 years old but I am told I am as intelligent as a 14 year old.

I hate high school it sucks (big time) I have got some pretty weird teachers.
I have got 6 sisters and 2 brothers, pretty big huh. The oldest one if about 25. What about u?


Post 10


Germany! Gosh! Whats it like?
I am from Northern Ireland, a rather boaring average place to live.


Post 11


smiley - biggrin


Post 12

Susanne - if it ain't broke, break it!

hi smiley - biggrin
smiley - bigeyes 9 kids! (did I count right?smiley - bigeyes) I only have one sister, Christina, she's 26.
and I have full understanding for you: school really does suck! but, hey, even I survived it. the best advise I can give is: create a great big counterweight to your time spent in school. it was very good for me to have friends who didn't go to the same school as me. so if I felt like going crazy in school, I imagined it as a dream-world, and in the afternoons I would enter reality and have fun.
I think Northern Ireland is an interesting place to live in, I personally think germany is a bit boring smiley - biggrin
and I read in the paper that last night there was some streetfighting going on in Belfast again smiley - yikes! I thought these times were over, it's a bit frightening, isn't it? do you live in Belfast?


Post 13


No, luckly.
I think everyone things the country they live in is kinda boaring. It was real weird to think that the fighting was going on not too far away from the town I live in.
Yeah you counted the number of kids right and believe me it is a pain in the ass to have so many brothers and sisters. smiley - biggrin
smiley - sleepy School makes me so tired I feel like falling asleep on the buss (yawn)
So what u been up to resently?


Post 14

Susanne - if it ain't broke, break it!

yes, I suppose everyone is so used to the place where they grow up, you feel it's boring. one of my best friends, she's called Mascha, immigrated here about 5 years ago from Belarus. and she's always surprised that I know so little of the place I live in. for example, there's a castle not far away, which is quite beautiful. but because it was like next door, I never bothered to go and really see it until she took me there this summer. smiley - biggrin and it was worth it!
sorry if I go on about this, but I'd like to know how things are today in Northern Ireland. in my english class, this was a subject for a few months, we also read a book called "Cal" by I think Bernard McLaverty. do protestant and catholic children grow up together today, do you feel any form of separation between the two groups? or do you think this is just a problem in the minds of some stubborn adults?

okay, I talk too much. smiley - biggrin
today I met with some friends, two of them are moving away this week to university smiley - cry but I'll visit them. strange, we're still all just kids, and they'll be teachers soon, teaching other kids.
hmm, and we were in an Italian restaurant together and sat there for hours just talking. lovely!


Post 15


Protestends and Catholics don't grow up together or go to the same school. There are a few school trips which we go with a catholic school but that isn't very often and its only so we won't hate them I think. I do feel there is this horrible barrior and I don't get why they hate each other so much. Some boys in my old primary school had a big fight with the catholics just cuss of their religion and I find it so terribly wrong. All my friends agree with me.
I think personally the adults kinda brought up the children to think catholics were bad people and so therefore the children hate them which is what is causing all this fuss but its been going on for generations and there's not much we cand do.
So you can tell why the two religions hardly ever mix but I've made friends with the caltholics and don't see what the big fuss is about.

I go to a high school and their are loads of police and helicopters and sirens going off at the mintute cuss there have been a few riets (or howver you spell it) in Lisbern (where my high school is) apparently Lisnegarvy students (a high school in lisbern) are being told where the reits are happening so they can join in or stay away from the area, so there getting a day in advance up date (one of my sisters goes to the school you see). Anyway its real freeky.

I don't mind you asking me all these questions I find it quite fun and intresting and I get to express my opinions so if u have any more questions please fire away. I have to go now got a ton of homework, I'll write to u as soon as I can. Bye smiley - biggrin


Post 16


Hi, I'm back and finished all my homework 2. smiley - smiley

I know this question is the most stupid and easy 2 answer one ever so please try to be understanding with mesmiley - blush and don't get worked up but how come u can write in English if ur from Germany? I though u had a diffrent style of writting, did u learn 2 write in english? Sorry, well the question was bound 2 come up at some point wasn't it.
Anyway thanks...


Post 17


Hi did u read my diary 4 the 16th of September 2005 I really don't know what to do. Can u help me out. I think people have a right to have their own privacy but Dawn was only doing it 2 see if Jo was depressed and telling Jo would make Jo even more depressed. HELP!!!


Post 18

Susanne - if it ain't broke, break it!

Hi Dark-Moon! smiley - smiley
How are you? I've got a little headache right now, I think it's because the weather is changing so quickly.
I didn't read all of your journal, but one thing was about french homework. oh, that was so awful in the beginning, and even today I can't form any future tense or conditional sentences smiley - biggrin. French was very difficult for some years, but it got a lot better when we were through all the grammar and basic vocabulary. Later I took an advanced course, and the lessons were great, just talking (with a lot of mistakes smiley - laugh) and reading books or doing role play. smiley - ok
You asked why I'm writing in English. The BBC, who runs the site, want to know about everything written here, so even when I write in German, I have to add a translation. But it's also a good training for my English. I started to learn English in school when I was ten, so I'm not bad at it. But I guess sometimes I use words that are not exactly appropriate. Or maybe the sentence structure is a little Germanic smiley - smiley and I don't notice it. And at school you learn to use the correct English to analize Shakespeare's sonnetts, but not colloqial expressions. But I'm learning smiley - smiley.
And I think it's shocking what you say about Northern Ireland! I hadn't thought that there's still this strong separation. And it's so agressive and violent! I'm spoiled with safety here. I wish you could just say: Stop! and the conflict would end.
So, what about your troubles with your brothers and sisters?


Post 19


Hi Susanne.
Its great ur back.smiley - biggrin
Oh talk of Germany reminds me, my sister Susanna has a new girl in the school who is from Germay 2!!! She has to use a translater as well and she's going to stay at the school. How cool is that.

God I don't know what to do anymore about my family. I hate them all. Everybody back-stabs each other and you really don't know what to say. I just try and stick with my friends at school and not get envolved but its hard when someone in your family says something mean to another member you really like. eg. Jo and Susanna.

I actual haven't noticed any grammer mistakes you've made, maybe thats because I'm so bad at spelling and grammer. But there is so much to learn.
smiley - biggrin

In the end by the way I told Jo about Dawn reading her diary. She has to have her own privacy.
So what have you been up?smiley - biggrin


Post 20


headakes suck. I'm so glad I havn't had any resently.smiley - biggrin

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