A Conversation for The White Goddess

White (and Black) Goddess

Post 1


One wonders if anyone bothers to read Graves' introduction to the WG. It isn't an academic work, it is a poetic one, mainly to a riddle. Excuse me, but I didn't see any academics take on any bardic riddles in the last 200 years. Try memorizing a lengthy piece of poetry, and how that affects thinking. Those who have can appreciate Graves in a manner quite different than historical nitpickers. Given, within the WG, are several pranks laid out for particular targets. Idries Shah did the same thing in several of his books.

White (and Black) Goddess

Post 2

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

>>Given, within the WG, are several pranks laid out for particular targets.<<

Malgwyn, can you explain that some more?

White (and Black) Goddess

Post 3


I'm referring to various Modernist poets and writers (and certainly their readers); Yeats, D.H. Lawrence, Eliot. Lawrence's arguments in his introduction to Frederick Carters Dragon of the Apocalypse for example.

White (and Black) Goddess

Post 4


I certainly didn't understand what Graves was getting at in the book. I said in the article it was either a work of genius or madness. I was being charitable - I think it was madness myself.

I take this article out of the workshop since I don't really know much about the Godess.

White (and Black) Goddess

Post 5


Graves does answer the riddles, which were just moldering in the Red Book. The WG is a small sample of his work, and one that was continued by several other authors and poets, Sylvia Plath being a shining example. A perfect madness, contagious and fatal.

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