A Conversation for The White Goddess

Writing Workshop: A2182448 - The White Goddess

Post 1


Entry: The White Goddess - A2182448
Author: Éowyn - U248045

I think this would make an interesting entry in the h2g2 guide, but it is not finished, as it fails to reach a conclusion. Can anyone suggest something extra I could add to make this a better entry?

A2182448 - The White Goddess

Post 2


I liked this, but I'm not sure what country the information is from. I've never heard this myth, although much of what it in here seems very familar from the pagan Goddess - marrying again each year, having three aspects etc.

I like the ending section about Snow White - sometimes entries do finish rather abruptly, but perhaps you could find some other fairy tales that could be related to the Goddess?

A2182448 - The White Goddess

Post 3


Thank you for your comments Mina. I think I will take this out of the Workshop because I don't know much more than I have written here and there does not seem to be enough to make a proper article for the guide,.

A2182448 - The White Goddess

Post 4


People will still find it in the search engine, and it's still an interesting piece. Maybe the UnderGuide or The Post will be interested in publishing it.

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Writing Workshop: A2182448 - The White Goddess

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