This is the Message Centre for misseyre

ACE's welcome misseyre!

Post 1

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

I'm one of the many Assistant Community Editors here, we pop in to greet/welcome the recent registrants & give them a few directions for gettin' around the site. First of all, bein' new you can visit the 'I am new, what do I do now?' page@ A868098 , or for a welcome other than just mine visit the 'Welcome page'@ A53146 ...& I suppose regardless of whether or not you feel panic creepin' in, its probably a good idea to take the <./>dontpanictour</.> (just in case).

A prominent feature of h2g2 are the smileys ( smiley - diva , smiley - cupid , smiley - ok , smiley - stout , etc), you'll find the complete list, divided into categories@ A155909 . It gives simple directions for using each one & you can refer back to it any time by just typing smileys into the search window. If you'll click U202717, you'll see that I've used a few of 'em on my page. Speaking of "page", you can also look at 'spicing up your page'@ A690518 , as well as both the 'picture gallery' ( A692741 ) & 'the GuideML clinic'( A187229 ), which I've been told isn't that difficult if you/ve done any HTML programming.

Three of my esteemed ACE colleagues have compiled comprehensive lists of links designed to help new researchers. St. Seraphina's Links are@ A1919937 , Shea's List is@ A534953 , & Feisor's List of Links is@ A719840 . You shiould find all sorts of helpful things there.

In any case, good to have you onboard, so to speak misseyre. This's quite a friendly place so you shouldn't have any trouble settling in, but feel free to leave me a message if you do. Just use the 'Reply' button below, or use my User # above to visit my space, & leave me a message...I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible. but, must run along...look forward to seeing you around, ok. Bye for now *waves*

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