This is the Message Centre for lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Email No 3 from Paul 22.08.05 (India)

Post 1

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

India Group Email 3

Namaste everyone how are we all doing? Well Im into my third week here and its been pretty great

Finished my 1st placement last week which was overall an amazing experience, still missing some of my favourites although there were so many wonderful kids it is hard to have favourites

Started my new placement today at a Daycare centre which is smaller than kevins room with around 10 kids 3-5 years old. They are all very nice, its harder to teach them anything solid but playing with them and trying to teach them some numbers etc works quite well.

I've been teaching computers to some local teens (Some are older than me) and thats been going quite well, Ive been doing that most weekday evenings since I got here.

All the staff are very helpful and very happy to cater to any needs. However some of the food can be a bit hard to eat, I really think you have to be brought up on it to really love it although the Yoghurts, the riata and some of the food has been wonderful and the Chai is amazing.

Ok the fun bit, the weekend I spent friday which was Rakhi (A holiday in which brothers are given bracelets from the sisters for protection) we celebrated that in the Afternoon, in the morning we climbed a hill near where we are to a temple, on the way we ran into an indian woman who invited us into her house for chai, this happens alot here, after a short rest there we got to the temple where we also had chai and were blessed.

On saturday morning we (5 of us) went to Amritsar near the Pakistani Border, We went to the Golden temple, where I had to cover my hair with a bandana and Inside it was beautiful

We also stayed in a very nice hotel and went to the Pakistani border to see the flag ceremony (a very patriotic cerimony where they lower the flags on both sides of the border and each side shakes hands, there was also a hint of comedy in it all but it was a nice event.

We got back yesterday and I had a relaxing night, before my placement today

Anyway I'd Better get going i have to get ready before teaching computers.

Please email me back, if you want to. I have been able to read them and send short replies as well as these Group emails.



if you wish to email Paul you can contact him on d586poetpaul AT hotmail DOT com

lil xx

Email No 3 from Paul 22.08.05 (India)

Post 2


Namaste! smiley - smiley

I am from India, nice to know Paul is enjoying his placements!

Yeh food could be bit of an issue as I think Paul is not used to very spicy food (which is perfectly ok), or they might be serving only vegetarian food.

Paul may suggest the cook, not to use red chilly powder and 'Garam Masala' in food.

Enjoy your stay!

smiley - cheers

Email No 3 from Paul 22.08.05 (India)

Post 3

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Welcome to my Journals! smiley - smiley

Why don't you email Paul, I am sure he would enjoy hearing from you!

lil xx
smiley - magic

Email No 3 from Paul 22.08.05 (India)

Post 4


My roommate is from Bombay, and she taught us how to make chai last night smiley - smiley

Email No 3 from Paul 22.08.05 (India)

Post 5

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Did you enjoy it? smiley - biggrin

Email No 3 from Paul 22.08.05 (India)

Post 6


Oh yes! smiley - smiley

Email No 3 from Paul 22.08.05 (India)

Post 7

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

You sound full of beans!!

Are you raring to go in the new semester?

smiley - hug

Email No 3 from Paul 22.08.05 (India)

Post 8


Hi Lil!

Thanks for welcoming me smiley - smiley I made Chai for my British friend and she found it bit err smiley - weird and it tasted like broth to her. A1067843 Here is an entry on great drinks I had contributed recipe for chai!

Oh yes I will e mail Paul! Does he own a space here on h2g2?
Drop in at my space some time! Have some chai smiley - tea with me !

smiley - cheers

Email No 3 from Paul 22.08.05 (India)

Post 9

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

You will find Paul here:- U1381940

I am sure he will be delighted to hear from you..smiley - hug

Thank you for you king invitation to call on you.. I will most happy to!

lil xx
smiley - magic

Email No 3 from Paul 22.08.05 (India)

Post 10

Pdmatthew - Probably In a corner somewhere with a guitar

Cheers for the chai recipe, I needed one as I forgot to get one when I left

Email No 3 from Paul 22.08.05 (India)

Post 11


You are welcome! smiley - smiley

smiley - cheers

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