This is the Message Centre for lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Email from Poet Paul 12.08.05

Post 1

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

India Group Mail 1

Hey everyone,
I'm e-mailing from India, please forward this email to anyone you feel would like to know how I'm doing.

Hey, How is Everyone doing i've been so busy that I couldn't even find the time to email.

I was in Delhi on Sunday and Monday which was good, got the time to go to a hindi temple, got lectures on Indian history and had some great indian food. Oh and I met all the volunteers who are all wonderful people and I am getting along with everyone.

Monday night I left for Dharmsala and got there tuesday morning, exausted after the twelve hour journey i felt really ill but got better by the afternoon for seeing a bit of the town, and settling in with my room mate Grover (An older american man from texas) and the other volunteers.

Dharamsala is a wonderful place, 3000 feet up and you can see the Himalayas all around you. There is poverty and there is rich but everything is different compared to western standards. I want to tell everyone so much and i dont have the time theres just that much to tell.

We went to the first days of our placements, tuesday, wednesday and today and I am teaching some wonderful children, I really can't begin to explain how fond I already am of them. They all call me sir, and everyone (Kids adults alike) has been considerate, welcoming, and happy to see us and happy when we try to use hindi. I have been teaching english, basic maths (They are much smarter than some western kids at their age, they are about 6-12) and doing some sports. They speak some english but hindi commands really have to be used (and they are like all kids they don't take no for an answer on silly things but they are well behaved when its serious). Tommorow im taking my guitar and teaching all 50 kids (I normally have a group of twenty) to sing Old Macdonald.

Oh and we went to macloud gange (the tibetan area) which is very touristy but there are alot of wonderful tibetan things. We had another lecture today at the Tibetan museum (Near the Dahli lamas residence) about Bhuddism and the tibetan situation.

So to sum it up so far, I am having an Unbeleivable life canging time, food is good, the children are amazing, the other volunteers are wonderful and the CCS staff (Who are all from india) are very very helpful.

Ill try and email in a while with more

Hope everyone is happy and enjoying themselves back home

Best Wishes


P.s its boiling here (even warmer in delhi) but theres rain here to cool us off after a hard day of sunshine.

Email from Poet Paul 12.08.05

Post 2


Oh, how lovely!!!

Wish i was there. How did he manage to do this? i am trying so hard to do volunteer teaching, but can't manage it, you need money.


Email from Poet Paul 12.08.05

Post 3

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I have no idea how he managed it. I only know he was sorting it out months ago. smiley - smiley

Email from Poet Paul 12.08.05

Post 4


If he sees this, we're glad you're safe and having fun!

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