This is the Message Centre for lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Sleep on, and follow your dreams....

Post 41

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I have shared so much with you all, it's the least I can do to let you know the type of person Anne was, and the esteem to which she is held by those who knew her:

Firstly her wishes were for a certain Church, time and Minister to be arranged.

The Church because it's closest to the Civic Offices. The time: 1pm, so friends could attend during their lunch break, without losing any pay. The Minister: was a marvelous man who attended to her Mother's funeral, and paid full attention to what had been asked of him.

The funeral has been arranged for the 29th December and because of Anne's charity work campaigning for funds for the local Breast Cancer Unit, she was a minor celebrity in our town. Also the fact that she worked for the Council for over 27 years, the Mayor has asked permission to attend as the representive for the Council.

She will be missed by more than we realised.

lil xx

smiley - rose

Sleep on, and follow your dreams....

Post 42

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

smiley - roseShe shall be remembered by more than you realisedsmiley - rose

Sleep on, and follow your dreams....

Post 43

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - roseI am sure Anne's story will raise awareness of that dreadful disease, smiley - rose

Sleep on, and follow your dreams....

Post 44


How very true Prof. When my mother died last year, her hairdresser closed the salon and all the staff came to the funeral.
smiley - rose

Sleep on, and follow your dreams....

Post 45

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi lil
as long as h2 is going, and the threads are on, even newbies that lurk will find anything we all leave over the years.
at least two of my normal guides are my past memeories,wont get on edited, but are there to be found.when facebook and bebo have faded, h2 will still be here.
smiley - peacedove may anne rest in peacesmiley - peacedove jimsmiley - love

Sleep on, and follow your dreams....

Post 46

Reality Manipulator

Lil Sending a gentle hug your way, to comfort you and to let you know that you're on my mind and in my heart today and always.smiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - peacedovesmiley - peacedovesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

Sleep on, and follow your dreams....

Post 47


smiley - cuddle

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