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Market day
Ivan the Terribly Average Started conversation Nov 20, 2011
I dragged myself along to the Sunday markets today, for the first time in absolute ages. This entailed catching three buses and being rained on from time to time, but it was all good fun, especially listening to the two deaf old dears who were gossiping in very loud whispers about the purely personal habits of other people at their church. It was almost a pity to leave the bus at the markets because now I'll never know the full story of the scandal behind the 2009 church fete.
The markets were good, well up to their usual standard for handmade things and fresh local produce and secondhand books, but my favourite stalls weren't there this week so it wasn't all I'd hoped it would be. But never mind, I could still get some Ethiopian samosas (beef mince, coriander, spring onion, a hint of chili and a bit of something I can't identify in a thin crisp pastry) which always make everything better. (A lentil version is also available.)
I went outside to eat and looked across the lake to Mt Ainslie. It was very still, the clouds were low and the rain was gentle. Someone somewhere started playing didgeridoo, which added to the atmosphere. There's something about a didge, played by a competent person, that adds an extra dimension to a misty day.
I was standing there pondering on this and that, spilling bits of samosa down my shirt, when I was approached by a very nice man who has a hand in running the markets. He's very nice-looking, in fact. I've been distracted by him on many occasions, but I've never spoken to him before. I didn't really speak to him this time either because I was tongue-tied and had a mouthful of food and was trying to brush bits of food off me as well. Not that it mattered; he just wanted me to move three feet to the right so he could set up the 'No Dogs' sign at the side door.
Life really is a let-down sometimes.
Market day
frenchbean Posted Nov 20, 2011
Oh dear, I'm sorry about the let-down, Ivan
Life stinks sometimes...
Where were the markets? I must admit to really missing Australian markets. We don't do them nearly as well over this side of the Ditch. It was great being in FNQ last week to visit some proper ones there Not Kuranda any more, sadly... it's gone to the dogs
Market day
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Nov 20, 2011
Fb, these are them: As with all things in Canberra, including the lake, it's a bit contrived but the handicrafts are first-class and the spice blends and pastes are most useful.
Market day
Sol Posted Nov 20, 2011
Never mind the markets, I am disappointed you didn't stick it out and find out about the great scandal of the 2009 church fete.
I love evesdropping on public transport. It's completely guilt free evesdropping.
Market day
hellboundforjoy Posted Nov 20, 2011
I love the digiridoo part. That makes it perfect. Until that distracting chap asked you to move, that is.
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Market day
- 1: Ivan the Terribly Average (Nov 20, 2011)
- 2: frenchbean (Nov 20, 2011)
- 3: Ivan the Terribly Average (Nov 20, 2011)
- 4: Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate (Nov 20, 2011)
- 5: Sol (Nov 20, 2011)
- 6: Titania (gone for lunch) (Nov 20, 2011)
- 7: Deb (Nov 20, 2011)
- 8: Researcher 14993127 (Nov 20, 2011)
- 9: hellboundforjoy (Nov 20, 2011)
- 10: Ivan the Terribly Average (Nov 21, 2011)
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