This is the Message Centre for Ivan the Terribly Average

On being intermittent.

Post 21

aka Bel - A87832164

Good to see you, Ivan. smiley - smiley

On being intermittent.

Post 22


Fill in - force feed - depends on what you are serving, Ivan smiley - winkeye

Wellcome back smiley - hug

On being intermittent.

Post 23

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Yep, welcome back! I'll reply to your other message from work later. Glad you made it back in one piece.

On being intermittent.

Post 24

Ivan the Terribly Average

I think my brain's still in transit. As is my usual energy level. smiley - yawn At least my luggage got here. It nearly didn't; I got to Adelaide to find that my bag had missed the connection in Sydney. smiley - rolleyes Typical, somehow. Bloody Qantas.

On being intermittent.

Post 25


smiley - sadface Bloody Qantas

On being intermittent.

Post 26


Hi Ivan!

On being intermittent.

Post 27

Ivan the Terribly Average

Hi. smiley - smiley

I'm considering starting a new Journal entry, but I have absolutely no idea worth writing about...

On being intermittent.

Post 28


Hmmm, same here! Nothing new happening, except that poor PCandy broke a toe.

On being intermittent.

Post 29

Ivan the Terribly Average

A journal about Other People's Toes might be a tad bizarre.

H'mmm. smiley - silly Maybe...

On being intermittent.

Post 30


smiley - laugh

On being intermittent.

Post 31


What about a journal entry about your own toes? I'm sure there's something of interest there? smiley - erm

Or do what Prof does - write a journal about nothing smiley - laugh

On being intermittent.

Post 32

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I was apprehensive about posting about my toes, given all the various foot fetishists out there, but I figured my feet were safe among friends. But they can't be all that interesting to talk about.

Unfortunately, I have nothing more interesting to say, either. I swear I don't injure myself just to have something to start a journal entry about. smiley - laugh

On being intermittent.

Post 33


I wouldn't put it past some of our fellow hootooers to do things to themselves in order to find something to write about smiley - rofl

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