A Conversation for American Slang
Baseball Slang
E James K Started conversation Dec 30, 2000
No offense, but you can't even attempt to compile an American Slang dictionary without mentioning at least some of the slang that is derived from baseball. I am by no means an expert on the subject, in fact i only know a few terms, but I hope that--by broaching the subject--someone who knows alot more of it than I will step in.
Bases: a measure of what level of sexual activity one has participated in, usually used only by males in a cassual environment.
it varies from place to place, but this is the one I know
1st: making out w/a girl
2nd: "copping a feel"
3rd: fingering
Home Run: actual sex
Generally speaking, this is the single most famous (infamous?) part of baseball slang.
Score: to have had sex; to have succeeded at something; to have done something impressive.
Batting a thousand: to have done things perfectly, often used to signify the exact opposite
On Deck: next up
Baseball Slang
Trebor Posted May 16, 2001
Don't forget what it's called when you don't score: Getting thrown out at Third base! I was caught stealing Second!
Baseball Slang
Researcher 170889 Posted Jul 17, 2001
And don't forget those great terms for hapless or completely wrong: "Way off base" and "out in left field" - I think I have heard 'out OF left field' used for an unexpected event, remark or response - "That came out of left field". We have the 'three strikes' laws where a felon on his third conviction gets an extremely long sentence - often life - even if the 'third strike' was relatively harmless. In fact, 'third strike' generally means 'the last straw' or the final transgression that causes punishment to occur.
Baseball Slang
Researcher 195837 Posted Jun 4, 2002
how about a bi-sexual being called a switch-hitter.
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Baseball Slang
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