A Conversation for American Slang
Geek, Dork, Dweeb, and Nerd
E James K Started conversation Oct 26, 2000
Just so you know,
The description of the slang words geek, dork, dweeb, and nerd, are accurate, but leave something out. The term NERD referres to one who has no social graces on account of the fact that all their time is spent in the pursuit of excellence in school. the term GEEK is in reference to one who has no social graces on account of the fact that they spend all their time working on computers (they are also know as computer-nerds). A DORK is one who has no social graces because they spend much of their time wrapped up in stuff like Sci-fi or fantasy TV, games, books, etc. (e.g., a Trekkie, or someone who plays Dungeons and Dragons). A DWEEB is one who simply has no social graces period, no excuse, they just don't. It should be noted that a person can be any combination of these.
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Geek, Dork, Dweeb, and Nerd
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