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True Love...
pocket jeesus Started conversation Apr 28, 2004
Ok, It's time for a typical teen journal entry.
I'm in love with Naomi.
Ahhhhh, now that I've filled my sterotypical quota for the day, I can move onto better things.
Now, I'm not supposed to talk about this, but me and a bunch of friends started a fight club. We all watched the movie "FIGHT CLUB", got really excited, and went into a nearby park to beat the crap out of each other. I sprained my thumb and bruised my spine, and I really got off light. My friend Pablo's jaw swelled up so big he couldn't close it fully, while Daniel ripped his pants past all repair. "Battle damage," he called it. I have not posted in about 5 weeks, so I'll try to keep up with my life a little better.
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True Love...
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