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pocket jeesus Started conversation Mar 20, 2004
Ok, Time for an update about my band, Vever. Now, this is not your typical shitty high school "lets wail on our guitars really loud and play songs we stole from other bands" kinda band, we actully write our own music and lyrics, and they don't suck. In fact,I just collaborated with Naomi to write the greatest song plot of all time. Allow me to elaborate:
A boy from San Antiono gets his car stolen, and the theif of the car runs over a basket of orphans. Of course, the owner of the car is blamed for the orphen-mashing, because he is a liberal loner with long hair. So, this boy is sitting at home, eating dinner, when his mother brings in the mail. "Look, you got a letter!" She says. It's a subpoenea from the "rich old ladies who donate money to museums so they have the right to get worked up over some orphan-squashing." This kid knows there is no way he is ever gonna win this lawsuit, so he decides to try to cross the border into Mexico. Little does he know that his bitter ex-girlfriend, seeking revenge for his dumping her, has planted drugs and a loaded handgun in his backpack.
As this boy is going through Customs, the Customs offical discovers the drugs and the handgun. It is at this precise moment when the customs offical's wife walks into the room, eager to show her husband their just-born child. The gun goes off, killing the newborn. As the husband and wife stand there, shocked, the boy runs away as fast as he can, knowing his life is over. No more than 15 minutes pass before the border patrol catch up with him, on the banks of a river. "Take one more step and we'll shoot!" they say. The boy, guilt-ridden and ruined, says, "Here's looking at you, kid," as he steps forward. The border patrol shoot him dead and the boy falls into the river.
Ha HA, that's gonna be a good song!
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