This is the Message Centre for Matthew Somerville - (take a look at my 42 maker!)

*waves at Matthew*

Post 1


not that you'll read this, but at least you did edit your user page smiley - winkeye

Joanna smiley - star

*waves at Matthew*

Post 2

Matthew Somerville - (take a look at my 42 maker!)

Well, I have read it! smiley - tongueout

And I'm going to try to use it more now, having updated it with my new email address and everything. It'll be fun! smiley - winkeye

smiley - planet Matthew

*waves at Matthew*

Post 3


Yay! *jumps up and down in excitement* *well, almost* smiley - smiley

*waves at Matthew again*

Post 4


Thank you! I now know that (1 + 6) / 6 * (9 * 4) = 42 smiley - smiley
I couldn't be bothered to do the arithmatic myself...

how're you doing?

*waves at Matthew again*

Post 5

Matthew Somerville - (take a look at my 42 maker!)

Okay smiley - smiley Since h2g2 moved to the BBC their login doesn't work on my computer, so I had to wait until I was at Xaverian (doing data entry) to reactivate it and enter some stuff. Which I have now done.

When did you finish at Durham for the year? Doing anything exciting this summer?

*waves at Matthew again*

Post 6


Javascript problem is it?
I suppose it'd be useless to tell you to use a more... supported browser smiley - winkeye
I am about to do a non-js version of my homepage... after I've done a template for the normal pages, though...

I finished about three weeks ago, I guess... its all been a bit of a blur with Andy graduating, coming home, going to London for a party, going to Oxford (nice botanic gardens you have there!) coming home again, going to London for the h2g2 meetup... ...this is my sleep week...

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