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NaJoPoMo 2011 Day 11 Worry Song

Post 1


I have that Worry Song stuck in my head from Monty Python. But I'm worried because I just got home from the Cactus Club sale and it's 5:45 and dark and my dad and his car are not home. He just told me he wasn't going to drive at night anymore and I don't know where he is and there are sirens going on outside and I'm worried. It looks like he must have left in a hurry as one of the phones was off the hook and the back door was wide open.

Well that was then. My dad got home shortly after I wrote that last sentence. We went to Marie Callenders for dinner and came home. I walked the dog and now I'm listening to Science Friday. Everything's fine.

NaJoPoMo 2011 Day 11 Worry Song

Post 2

Ivan the Terribly Average

I think of the Worry Song every time I'm in an airport waiting for my luggage...

NaJoPoMo 2011 Day 11 Worry Song

Post 3


I bet. I think of it often really. I always hope it will help me take my worries less seriously.

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