This is the Message Centre for BonnieParker...

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Post 1

COMPO (Keeper of the smelly wellies) join me for some Summer Wine

I keep coming on to see if you are online or if there is as a posting from you but there isn`t smiley - wah
have you give up on H2G2??
Miss you

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Post 2


Im here awaiting your arrival Clyde smiley - kiss
Im sorry i`ve been missing for a while, will do my best to make it up to you smiley - hug

smiley - love Bonnie smiley - kiss

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Post 3

(U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead )

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Post 4

X+ CROSS-HEAD +X (Come and chat with me... I only bite if requested)

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Post 5


Hiya Marc Darling

Thank you for caring enough to stay in touch with me smiley - smiley i know how busy you are & it can`t be easy for you. I am definitely going to be paying you & yours a visit in the summer, i won`t have to worry about my dogs coz Alex & Tracey will be here with baby smiley - biggrin It will probably be in summer hols if thats ok with you n Pam, i am gonna be visiting JoeBrush & his daughter so i can do both at same time.

Love Always...Trish xxx

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