This is the Message Centre for BonnieParker...

I wonder...

Post 1


If anyone even noticed i don`t come here a lot anymore!! be honest i feel like i was just a spare part in the end, no-one even noticed me much in tea shoppe when i was here.
I suppose all good things come to an end at some point, but when i 1st came on here i felt part ov something special, like i belonged.
My life is different now, my son Alex & his girlfriend Tracey have moved in with me & their baby is due in a week!!. She was having pains last night but they were 10mins apart so its not time to panic yet...
I really miss all ov you & wish things had stayed the same between us all in tea shoppe, i could use my friends right now, coz i am so depressed but can`t show my feelings to son coz he has enuff on his plate at the mo & im using every ounce ov willpower i have to hold it together, so if theres anyone out there who gives a fig plz respond!.

Take Care Love Trish xx

I wonder...

Post 2


hi trish.
i dont know where you got the idea that you were a spare part in the tea shoppe. you were a major part of it, but as you say all good things come to an end. which is a shame.
i did think of starting up a new thread (7) but i dont think marc would like that. so im still keeping out of the way.

if ever you fancy a natter by email or instant messaging. i will listen to you.
i might not be of much help, but its good to talk.

hsmiley - rose

I wonder...

Post 3

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi stranger
a few people where wondering what had happened to you, me, jinty,so on the group till you let
there arnt many on here or emails, the dimisee of the normal h2g2, as taken a good few out,
its not the same anymore,all the threads that where daily have more or less gone,even the teashoppe and memorylane.
im still on, ive nothing better to do,and with the weather as its been im stuck in most days
my friends list as become a mauge jimxxx

I wonder...

Post 4

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - hug hiya trish... i haven't forgotten you luv.... wonder everyday what you're up to..
like jim so rightly said, people often enguire as to your whereabouts... i had an e.mail from jinty today asking if i'd heard owt from you or marc.... she wondered if you'd both just given up... smiley - sadface
sorry to hear that you feel so lost snd lonely trish.... we're all still around in here, just not quite as much... i nip into the tea shoppe now and again, but there's cock all goes on these days... still we can hope luv...
try not to feel so down my luv.... people still care....
smiley - lovesmiley - cuddle your friend sheryl....xxxxxx

I wonder...

Post 5


hi trish nows u

I wonder...

Post 6

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

Hiya Trish smiley - ok ...

Absent but never forgotten smiley - biggrin ... Would be lovely to see everybody back in one thread again ... but will it ever happen ???
Certainly sounds like you have your hands full at the moment ....

Chris smiley - cuddle XXX

I wonder...

Post 7


Trish smiley - hug

smiley - rose

I remember you and not forget you smiley - ok

Hope you'll receive my e-mail which I sent you on Monday(I suppose)

smiley - tea

Taamyu smiley - rosesmiley - musicalnote

I wonder...

Post 8


TRISH XXXXXX There you are xxx I have sent msgs in yoome hahahaha Yes I know,pigeon post at least would work hahahahahaha Hope all goes well with the new baby xxx Hope to see you somewhere,SOON xxxxx Missing You xxxx Love Pinky xxxxxxxxxxxx

I wonder...

Post 9

JINTY. ...back in circulation again

hi trish
where have you been ive sent you emails but no replies i also sent them to marc but his came back well the last one did
none of yours came back to me i sent them to heavenleigh have so many names i got the bonnie parker one of jim
i was hurt to see i'm not on your friends lists for any of them boo hoo
hope you feel better soon once baby arrives you'll not have time to be depressed you'll have no time to think about it
hope everything goes well
let me know if boy or girl
pc has a virus cant use it so i'm still activemail
take care jinty smiley - hugx x x x

I wonder...

Post 10

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

Well Trish .... looks like plenty of people are missing you ??? maybe its time to think about making a comeback ???

Chris. smiley - cuddle

I wonder...

Post 11


Hi Trish,yes,me again x Just to let you know, I have managed to actually send you a msg in yoome.I know,I was pretty amazed too hahahahaha Chat soon Thinking of you Love Pinky xxx

I wonder...

Post 12

JINTY. ...back in circulation again

jinty waves to chris
seems youve forgotten all about me as well smiley - wah and another smiley - wah
jinty x x x

I wonder...

Post 13

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

Waves back to Jinty smiley - ok

How could I forget you !!!!!

Chris smiley - cuddle

I wonder...

Post 14

JINTY. ...back in circulation again

thanks chris thats set me up for the day
waves to chris ...........bye for just now
jinty x x x

I wonder...

Post 15

COMPO (Keeper of the smelly wellies) join me for some Summer Wine

WOW a thread that actualy contains most of the tea shoppe staff and friends
I know from my lurking that all the people that used to use the tea shoppe and work in there are of the same opinion that it should be back where
it belongs on the front page top 5 most visited sites..
I have tried (and failed) to keep it running but having two jobs and working (some weeks) 24 hours a day 6 days doesn`t leave much time to come on here lre let alone run the tea shoppe. i have tried my best to keep in touch with you all
even lurking on a thread still makes me feel close..
Helen if you want to open and manage a new thread on there i would love the chance to work alongside you all again..make sure you give sheryl whatever job she likes cos (unlike me) she has never given up on the place..i will leave it all up to you to contact everyone and tell them....YE OLDE TEA SHOPPE IS BACK IN BUSINESS..
smiley - love to you all
Marc smiley - coolsmiley - thief
Ps Trish still love you and looking forward to our grab a granny ring me any time between now and Saturday got time off

I wonder...

Post 16


At last !!!! The tea shop is open again !!! What a relief !!!! See Trish all thanks to you xxx See you soon Love Pinky xxx

I wonder...

Post 17

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hiya marc... smiley - cuddle
yes it is good to see all the old faces back in one thread... if we can do it here then why can't we all meet up in the tea shoppe again eh... it's not as if it's miles away now is it... lol... smiley - biggrin
come on now you lot, get off yer lazy bums and follow me for a smiley - coffeesmiley - teasmiley - milksmiley - oj .... lets dust the old place off and get it buzzing again........
smiley - zoom

I wonder...

Post 18


Thank you all for your kind words smiley - smiley
I would like to say IM A NANNA NOW.. Little Daniel Alexander arrived at 3.15 this morning, he & mam are doing fine, he weighed 6.15 & he is bloomin gorgeous..i watched him being born & apart from experiencing it for myself 21yrs ago its the most amazing thing i have ever experienced smiley - biggrin I saw my son cry tears ov emotion & happiness (& i had to sit him down before he fell) I wish his Dad was still alive to enjoy how amazing this feels & give Alex & Tracey support alongside me, but i guess some things just arn`t meant to be.
Its Tracey`s 18th birthday today (Alex`s 21st was 29th ov april) what an amazing birthday present little Daniel is (canny set ov lungs on him, bless) well i have had 2hrs sleep (just
woke up) so plz forgive me if i don`t answer you individually,
I must go have some coffee before work, Take Care all ov you & i will pop into tea shoppe soon Love To All.... Granny

I wonder...

Post 19

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly congratulations granny trish..... smiley - hugsmiley - love
do pass my best wishes on to your son and his girl, and give your grandson a big smiley - cuddle from me.......
chat soon..... smiley - love

I wonder...

Post 20

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi trish(GRANNY)
smiley - bubblysmiley - rosesmiley - eurekasmiley - discoCONGRATS GRANNY TRISH,JIMBOBXXXXsmiley - discosmiley - eurekasmiley - rosesmiley - bubbly

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