This is the Message Centre for BonnieParker...

I wonder...

Post 21


CONGRATULATIONS GRANDMA xxxx A HUGE bouquet for you and the new MUM xxx Well done xxx See you in the tea shop soon xxx Love Pinky xxx

I wonder...

Post 22


CONGRATULATIONSsmiley - cracker
Sorry for not coming here soon smiley - sorry
Have a Lovely day with your new family member smiley - rose

Taamyu smiley - hugsmiley - musicalnote

I wonder...

Post 23


Well what a response & id like to think i was responsible for tea shoppe opening again too but it was always gonna happen anyways smiley - smiley coz its always been successful in the past hasn`t it
smiley - biggrin im having the time ov my life being a nanna, everyone has gone out so here i am trying to catch up with things..
Daniel is doing really well, has gone up to 7 pounds 3 n a half ounces, midwife says hes thriving!!, but i knew that already coz he looks bigger smiley - biggrin i have been taking lots ov photos ov him & got a couple ov cracking ones too.
Hope you are all well & enjoying the sunshine
Take Care Love Trish xxx

I wonder...

Post 24


Hi Trish,so lovely to hear from you.You seem to be enjoying life to the full and why not ?? You deserve it.So pleased baby is doing so well.I'll mail you soon.Hope we get to chat soon.Love Pinky xxxx (yoome is hopeless,but I keep trying ha ha ha)x

I wonder...

Post 25


Pinky smiley - smiley > Hiya hon smiley - hug

Well my life is totally different now & im loving it smiley - biggrin apart from having my famfamily around me, the food has improved 100% i`ve had my 1st taste ov cous-cous, asparagus,
& but my son can cook up a storm, makes me proud smiley - biggrin
So hows things with you ? ur right about yoome2 h2 hard work it is eh smiley - rofl
Take Care smiley - love Trish xx

I wonder...

Post 26


Hi Trish,I have mailed you.I'm wondering if you've changed e-mail addy.Please e-mail me if you can.I did a stupid thing in yoome hahahahaha NO CHANGE THERE THEN !!! hahahahaha So pleased all is well with you. I'm fine thankyou See you soon Love Pinky xxx

I wonder...

Post 27


Pinky smiley - smiley

Oh Oh aye i knew there was summit i had to do hon, soz i forgot smiley - rofl will mail you soon smiley - ok
just not enough hours in day & my in-box is crammed with msgs i just can`t get around to replying too smiley - rofl im an unorganised nanna me smiley - biggrin t/c smiley - love Trish xxx

I wonder...

Post 28

JINTY. ...back in circulation again

isnt it nice to be popular trish and too know you have freinds all over the place eh
tell daniel to be a good boy as nana has a lot of correspondance to catch up with
i'm sure he'll oblige you
take care jinty xxxxx

I wonder...

Post 29


Hiya Jinty smiley - smiley

Its hard to strike a bargain with a baby hon, but i keep trying smiley - rofl hows things with you ?
i was hoping for a very long lie-in but my puppydog had other plans for me smiley - rofl
aw well theres always tomozz..

Take Care Jinty smiley - love Trish xxx

I wonder...

Post 30


Thanks Trish,I have the info stored now hahahaahaha Your on the Xmas card list again hahaha Hope we get to chat soon.I'm rushing AGAIN hahahaha Love to Baby and you x Pinky xxx

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