This is the Message Centre for Replicant

Multiple causalities

Post 1


You are, like, totally whack, dude. This theory was demonstrated false in 1988 by I. M. Sierpinski. (See "Journal of, like, real brainy dudes" Vol. IV, issue DCLXVI - MIT publishing, 1969).

Multiple causalities

Post 2


Dude! Like, get with it. Sierpinski is, like, so _yesterday_. Like, his theories were, like, so k-rad last week but now he's so un-rad is's unbelievable. You should check out this month's gnarly issue of "Long-Haired Beardy Californian Scientist Dudes".

Multiple causalities

Post 3


Woah, you dudes are like, woah, surfers and scientists at like, yeah, the same time. Woah. This is like, woah, yeah, really trippy. Woah.

Multiple causalities

Post 4


Whoa, dude! You think this is, like, trippy, you should see the LATEST issue of "LHBCSD's". Got a totally gnarly thesis involving multiple-universes and some really radical ideas on super-gravity!

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