This is the Message Centre for U521150


Post 1

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

Hey! i been talking to ur little lady for a while, but dint realise you were on here too. SHe talks about u a fair wack, so i thought id bounce over and say hello! Im Gene btw. Been here for nearly a year now (well since March)... so if i can help with owt just shout!


Post 2


A fair whack? I have to admit, I'd never come across that phrase, I don't think. Ahh, now you'll have to put up with me going on about her. No matter what, my mind can always bring the subject back...I hope I don't get boring or anything.smiley - erm
My little lady! smiley - loveblush That's really...funny. The phrase. I like it. Sorry.
smiley - whistle
How are you at this very moment? What's going on now?
I read about your termination, you're so...brave doesn't seem to cover it. You know? Kudos to you for dealing with it. smiley - cheerup
So, anyway...erm...oh look, a tree! - that's this thing I always say if there's a lull in a conversation, it's if I can't think of anything to say or am uncomfortable. (Former in this case).
Oh! What instrument do you play? I'm in an orchestra too, you see, am interested.
Anyway. Ta-ra for now,


Post 3

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

A fair whack is just a term i use to be odd and differnt. Abit like my use of the smiley - boing icon on here... lol You're welcome to talk bout your lady, i dont mind. Its cute - just as long as we talk bout other stuff too! lol.
You sound like me! Putting smiley - sorry on the end of everything. lol
At this very moment in time im procrastinating. I have to call the hospital for an appointment (im having a tooth out- not exciting) but i dont want to do it. Lol. Im in the coomon room at school listeniong to everyone panic that their P.S. is longer than 47 lines. lol
You read the story? I'd love to be able to have a way on here of knowing if your articles are being read... thanks. Its tuff. It was 5 months last week and i had a maca breakdown, but... sh*t happens and im learning to move on (v optomistic comment for me!)
Yes- it is a tree and theres a squirrel sat in the tree doing maths! lol what subs do you do?
I'm a cellist - how did you know im in an orchestra? what do you play?
Gene x


Post 4


Do I say sorry a lot? I hadn't noticed, I'm sorry - argh, I guess I do! That was NOT on purpose as a stupid joke. Though watch out for stupid jokes. I tend to make them at every oppurtunity.
P.S.? Oh, Personal Statement, right?
Well, as to having read things about you, I went on our userspace thingy and mooched around for a bit before replying, so I'd know something about you. That's all. You said you were going off to an orchestra thing at some point, I inferred that you were in an orchestra from that! I play the viola, in the Devon Youth Orchestra (oooh, posey smiley - cool) but piano at every other oppurtunity. Piano's my real thaaaaaang. My friend Rosa is a cellist though. It's really cool, the cello, like a huuuuuuuuuge viola. Tre cool!smiley - ok
I can't imagine how tough it is; and having breakdowns is totally hand in there okay? smiley - hug
Go you with the optimism! smiley - ok You sound like a great person smiley - magic(I'm sure you are) and you'll survive. Hey look, you already are! smiley - boing
Also, getting to now over a year since SI, that's so, I guess it's really amazing and, I don't know, inspiring. I started doing it last year (2nd or 3rd November) and I haven't since, um, 20th August. Ach, that was Hannah's birthday. The day before results, that may have been something to do with it.
If you don't mind me asking, why did you do it, what kind of reasons? Just wondering.
Hmm, just scrolling through your message...ah, my 'subs', I assume you mean subjects? (I'd be embarrassed if you didn't, what else could it mean?) I'm doing Chemistry, Biology, Music and Physics, Physics is my AS subject. I want to do Medicine as a career, become a smiley - doctor and all about aiming high! smiley - erm
What are you doing? You're in yr13, right? Just checking. You don't do maths, do you? *shudders* I was in the top maths set for GCSE and got A*, I admit, but Yeaaaaargh! Our teacher was really smiley - grr too.
What did you do like in your GCSEs? I am still reeling from doing Art and Textiles, oh my gosh they made year 11 a year I'd prefer not to remember -
Although, to be fair, if the horrible traumatic things hadn't happened, I may not have gotten so close to Hannah so there we are. She makes it all worthwilesmiley - loveblush
Told you I can relate anything back to her!
ANYWAYS. It's 11.14pm, I have school tomorrow, so I shall be smiley - run off to bed...(there should be a bed smiley).
(Aiaiai! I just saw how long this post was! I /always/ do that! Yeargh!)


Post 5

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

eeeeeeeeek! long msg... no worries - thats a goodly thing! Yep - personnal statement. that joyful thing. I wonder why they chose 47 lines????
Wooo! You read U pages... alot dont. ahve respect for you! VIOLA! Woooo. sorry - after the cello its my favourite. My best mate plays it. He'sdoing a music degree. Im not good with pianos though. I like to compose songs and stuff though. I will accept the concept of a huge viola but violas are small cellos. Violins (vile dins) are ucky. Im hanging - well not really coz id either be dead (hang froma rope) or doing peachily. Im sort of realising i'll never be the same again. hummm
Why i started SI - u do your research well mydear! Ive had a string of really crap exs - they put me through some sh*t... rape, physical abuse... that sort of thing and it messed me badly. But i pretty much have that sorted in my head. I realised that losing my kid was 10000000000000 times worse.
Medicine is cool. Good luck with that. I do Human Biology (wowowowowow) Maths, Chemistry and i did Physics last year. Out of all of them i only like Biology. So im going to do Biology or BioMed at uni. GCSE - crumbs. Can i remember.... Maths, Seperate Sciences, 2x English, German, Geoggers, Music. Is that 9?
smiley - boing


Post 6


How come people wouldn't read Upages? smiley - huh Especially if the person in question talks to them.
Go you! Yes, viola is great! Cello is great!
Although...I have a confession to make. I used to play the violin smiley - flustered! I stopped halfway through year 7 and switched to viola, people kept on saying "you should play viola, Ellie, it suits you so much more," and I'd go, "What's a viola?" smiley - biggrin Now, whenever I try to play a violin, I get a migraine! Argh!
Your exes - oh my god, that's horrible, why would they want to do that? If you don't mind talking about it. It would mess anyone up. I'm - I was about to say I'm glad you've got it sorted in your head, but given what sorted it out, I'm not sure whether it's good or not. smiley - cuddle hang in there, ok?
Human Biology??? smiley - envy At my school they have such a limited choice of A-level subjects, I'm stuck with regular Biology! Pah! Still, it's fun. I do like it - although I was getting REALLY bad grades at the beginning of the year (Es, Ds, Cs, more Es, that kind of thing) I'm improving! Also, getting more sleep, meaning I don't fall asleep in lessons anymore! smiley - sleepy
Ah! Du hast Deutsch smiley - bleep. Du bist tag, wie geht's?
(Given /that's/ about the amount of German I can remember, I doubt you can remember at all, but, um, no I can't remember any. Never mind!)
I did Music GCSE too, but since there were only 3 people it was all extra-curricular, me and one other girl ended up doing 12 subjects! Yeargh! smiley - erm Why oh why?!?! Still, I did fine.
I do have to admit that I adore Chemistry, even though it's quite hard at times: first test, Quantitative Chemistry, I got an E and then more failed the retest. Though nothing's as hard as quantitative chemistry.
My friend Louise is doind Maths, it looks a bsmiley - bleeptch! So much work!
Anyways, I've got to go get ready for spending the night at a friend's house...she's in my orchestra, we've got a rehearsal and a 'gig' tomorrow!
smiley - run


Post 7

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

I duno - but they dont read in so much detail... lol

Its ok - my best mate is a former violinist too, but its ok if you dont play anymore. lOl.

My exes... hummm lol. Ah well - sh*t happens. I dont mind talking about it, but to be true, I don't much know what to say. Life goes on and i have to realise that i move onwards and not backwards....

Human Biology - its great. We dont do all the plant cr*p. I could have done staright biology instead, but this way im in a smaller set and doing the bits of biology i really loev. Lol. Everyoe thinks they get bad grades in 6th form, but coz its such a huge jump from GCSE, everone does worse.

You're right - that did make no sense. But here is something that might turn up useful... Ich bin geisteskrank und ich wohne in einen Ihrenhaus. Ich tragt ein zwansjacke... which means I am mentally uill and live ina mental home. I where a straite jacket.... lol. I spent my GCSEs looking up odd things too say..

Oh well, atleast chemistry is enjoyable to someone. What are you playing in your orchestra? smiley - boing


Post 8


Hello! How are you?
Ach, seems that so many people are ex-violinists...hey,must be that as soon as they get skilled, they realise that other instruments are so much better! *preen*
That you /can/ think to yourself, move onwards instead of's awe-inspiring, to tell the truth. I have aboslutely no idea how I'd react to that kind of thing. (For one thing, I'm so inexperienced in the ole world of smiley - love, Hannah's my first 'partner' - I loved someone else for a while but that went nowhere, in retrospect thank goodness.)
The plant stuff, it does get rather boring smiley - yawn.
I found out today, that I got a U in the retest on quantitative Chemistry that I did AGES ago...ah well. Under the bridge and all that. One good thing came out of it; I say now every time I have a test, "It won't be as bad as that quantitative chemistry test or it's retest, so I'll be fine."smiley - erm
Ahh, our orchestra...well on Saturday it was thing "Sing and Play day" - hance a random choir being assembled for one day only - and we played Shostakovich and about half of Carmina Burana (which I want on CD SO much now) - but normally we play this Chaminade Flute-Orchestra piece, 1st movement of Mozarts Clarinet Concerto in D, Mendelsohns Italian Symphony (which I smiley - love) and I /think/ that's it. What stuff are you playing in your orchestra?
I have to admit, earlier I got my report for the terms work, and was a little smiley - cry about it...not that it was hugely bad, I was annoyed and a bit upset about it smiley - sadface...B in Biology, C in Chemistry, A in Physics. Pah. And sweet irony, Physics is the one I'm dropping.
Ach, nevermind.


Post 9

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

Violinists! bah! vile dins... sorry.

plant stuff - zzz the most i do is photsynthesis. lol. Sorry you got a U, but hey at least you'll learn from mistakes. Which bit is the quantitative chem bit?

Nice music - me - i played schost 10th with OPera North alst term, we playin Borodine's 2nd now and Sibelius - helios and loadsa cool stuff like that. lol.

Reports at the start of term are no indictaion of how good you'll do at the end, so dont fret... lol. Physics is boring... i did it last year and got a D in it, but i wasnt inspired byu it. But biology - WoW!

smiley - boingsmiley - boingsmiley - boingsmiley - boingsmiley - boingsmiley - boingsmiley - boingsmiley - boing


Post 10


Ach, quantitative's stuff like n=Vc, number of moles in a solution=volume x concentration, titration calculations, reacting volumes of gases, that kind of thing. Jog your memory?
When my dad (ex-cellist he is) was in his school orchestra or something, they played sibelius...he said it was really, extremely hard and he couldn't play it! lol.
Danke schon, normally I manage to ignore whatever bad stuff goes in my report...I just hope my dad doesn't suddenyly start paying attention to me now I've got C C and predicted B in Chemistry. Instead of A. smiley - sadface
Ah, I do like Biology. So fun! We've just been doing genetics, nitrogen cylce etc, along those lines. I like!
smiley - boing back to you


Post 11

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

Oh like the gas equation... pV=nRT? sort of thing. Im ok at that. I cant do the rest of it.

Your daddy played cello! wowowowow! sorry. some sib is really hard but he wrote great cello pparts so its defo worth having a go.

Dads are grweat - he'll be cool about your grades spesh if you tell him in the months leading up that its been hard...

Mmm doing reproduction in HB... wooo! so much fun. Its all about fertilistraion now and im sat there thinking oh my god did all this happen inside me? its quite shocking really


Post 12


You can do quantitative chemistry? *stares in awe*'re so fantastic!
Oh you wouldn't believe what happened today...first we had chemistry and it was really cool, we were doing this courswork practical stuff that was really fun and we did really well (me and my friends - Louise and Dave) and I found out, I got an A in the latest Chemistry exam! We had it on Monday. Wahoo! Yay!
I was so excited; when I went out of the chem block and saw some of my other friends I ran full pelt towards them, "KATE! MARIA! ROSA! GUESS WHAT I -" and fell over! My folder did not survive. Ouch. My knee hurts, it's all cut up...smiley - wahsmiley - injured
I can't play the cello myself - well I can make it up mucking around on Rosa's smiley - winkeye - but in School Orchestra if the viola part's boring I play Rosas cello part - much to her annoyance!
Ach, my dad's not the greatest...he's not that bad most of the time, but he's been depressed for 7 or 8 years and is, well, a little crazy smiley - erm also living with him alone means I'm the only one he talks to really. In a 'hear my problems please' kind of way. Mum and him - they, well, I hope they have an at least AMICABLE separation, lets say. At speech day earlier this year, he looked at all the GCSE grades and stuff, and counted up how many people got higher grades than me smiley - cry. He told me, guess how many people got more than you, I said '52' and it was '51' or something like that, he said 'don't be too hard on yourself', thanks dad. Not that they were even bad or anything! 5 A*s, 7 As.
Ah well, will avoid ranting about THAT for much longer...
Oh reproduction, it's going to be so funny when we do that in Biology whenever we do do it...Rosa has an *ahem* fixation, she sees them everywhere! In clouds (yesterday), in alveoli (just now in Biology) It's ridiculous! Penis fixation! She giggles so much. How emBARrassing. Not that I don't find it funny myself smiley - winkeye
Anyway...I have a concert later today, with the school orchestra (I'm in two), Rodrigo (is that how you spell it) his Concierto de Aranjuez.
Anyway... (Rosa says hi, by the way...she's just bounded in, seeing as Sam the guitar soloist (whom she fancies, smiley - loveblushsmiley - loveblushsmiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - erm) isn't here yet. Coh!)
So...*thinks* *thinks some more*
I'll be going now, before I run out of things to say...
smiley - run


Post 13

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

Well done with the chem! Coz wowowow your doing brilliant mygirl! but sorry you fell over thats not good.

DON'T Play the cello part! Thats for cellist. We are exclusive just like violas!

Depressed... aye me, well it just proves we're all human really. It proves i am atleast. Anyway - if you want to tell me stuff i'll listen to what ever and nod and smile and comfort in all the right places! so... I reckon your dad is just normal in need of a bit of love, so...

Okokokokokok... penis's aaaagh. Arent they all so big and scary and purple? eeek! lol. they go all throbby too... yucky. sell, actually they're ok. they have their uses...

Hope the concert went good! too.

Hi Rosa!

smiley - boing


Post 14


I know, the chem's so great! smiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wow!!!! Thanks!
My knee hurts! smiley - sadface And Hannah's pointed out to me, when we-
WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO! Only 43 hours to go until the Muse concert! Yay! Yay yay yay! YAY!
yeah ANYWAY, when we're at the gig, Hannah was saying what happens if someone knocks your knees! (which will probably happen) Pain! Ah well. The wonderfulness of Muse will cancel out any painful knees.
Ahhhhh...*gazes into space for a while*
smiley - loveblush Muse are so great. I've seen them twice live before. Ahh.
You do KNOW Muse don't you? And if you do, you do LIKE them don't you?
Okay, okay, I won't play the 'cello part...I'm too busy holding the orchestra together now! (I missed a rehearsal earlier this week, and Mr Lloyd was really annoyed cos I hold us all together! Even the 1st and 2nd lead violins said they can't cope without little ole me...smiley - evilgrin)
Yeargh! Aiaiai! Is that what penises are like when erect? Ewwww! that doesn't sound very romantic or lust-inducing...what happened when you saw one for the first time? Didn't you laugh or go, 'ewww gross' or something? lol!
Uses, eh? Well, don't worry about me, I don't miss them...smiley - winkeye


Post 15

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

*tongue hangs out and dies.... MUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*


that sums it up.

Pah! viola getting big headed.. its the cellos wot hold the orchestra together! lol.

My first sight of a penis. Not a fond memory. It looked huge and thought to self. Sh*t that will never fit anywhere in my... eeeek.

Me - i have my trusty vibe for when i miss them... lol


Post 16


Oh my gosh, MUSE were so amazing!
wow>smiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowwow>smiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowwow>smiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowwow>smiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowwow>smiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowwow>smiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowwow>smiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowwow>smiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowwow>smiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowwow>smiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowwow>smiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wow THEY WERE SO FANTASTIC! smiley - bleeping BRILLIANT!
It was so great...Although in the day, my dad was being a bit of an ***hole, shouted at me and I felt really bad. smiley - cry And Rosa, Louise, Hannah and I were watchign the Two Towers Extended at the time, and I had to miss some and I was all in all not happy. Even by the time we were queueing up smiley - blue. Hannah was being so lovely smiley - loveblush saying she loved me. *sighs* *sighs again* smiley - loveblush
But by the time we were in there, getting our places, I was fine! Rosa was feeling a little down but that passsed when Muse themselves came on, OBVIOUSLY.
Ahhhhh. My favourite thing in the universe, and one of the next best things there are, at the same time...Hannah and Muse live, respectively. It's so fun seeing them in real life! Aahhhhhhh. When Matt played on the piano, I just broke down! See, I play the piano quite well, I think - I can play Flight of the Bumblebee by R-Korsakoff and Rustle of Spring by Sinding and some Rachmaninoff - and seeing him, just makes me so awe-ful. (Not awful. But by comparison, my playing's probably that.) He's so panachey! And so unnecessarily so! Through Enlessly, Space Dementia, Butterflies and Hurricanes, Sunburn, etc etc, I was just smiley - wah in awe and wonderment! How emBARrassing!
It was so fun though...holding hands with Hannah the whole way trough...and the occasional smiley - kiss, apparently unnerving these two guys behind us...smiley - evilgrinheh heh heh.
The violas are SOOOOO the best. However, 'cellos come an extremely close second. You 'cellists just don't know what it's like! Violas are so underrated and ignored! Cellos get art to paly! Ours are always boring! If the violas got as interesting parts as cellists did, they'd be superior, but only just. (Soooo trying to be tactful smiley - smiley)
They sound rather...intimidating.
Did you know that the vibrator was electrified (you know, made electric) before the iron or the vacuum cleaner? *nods knowledgeably* Yeeeees, it's true! What are they like, anyway? (Please excuse me, I'm rather inexperienced in these things and have caught ineffable curiousity from Rosa (who never stops asking questions))
Ah well, I don't think I miss them...if you know what I mean! *raises eyebrows* Nudge nudge, wink wink, eh? smiley - laugh


Post 17



Post 18

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

It sounds brilliant. Im in smiley - envy How does kissing hannah un-nerve blokes?

Nope. Cellos are better, but violas are adoptable... Cellos dont alway get interesting parts!

What sounds intimdating... Male - jr or the plastic buzzing version? LoL... I'd agree totall to both, but i'll live with or without. At the mo im in a blokey mood, but invariably i'll swing again soon.

No i didnt know that about the buzzyness... where did you learn that? Yeah i know what you mean... but do u ever use substitues?


Post 19


It was so great! But at least YOU aren't sore all over, in so much pain! My back, the backs of my legs, the tops of my thighs, my shoulders, neck, everywhere, so painful! smiley - injured
Well, down here in Devon most people are rather, well, how to say it, 'old-fashioned', just darn sheltered. Hardly any other ethnicity than white English (though there are some) and hardly any gay people...or at least, they don't express it in public. So, I guess they were a little shocked by us. Cuh! *rolls eyes*
Well, let's just leave the 'cello/viola debate...even though I'M right smiley - tongueout. smiley - winkeyesmiley - evilgrin
The male, real, throbbing version sounds intimidating...the plastic buzzing ones just sound amusing! I read it in Good Housekeeping, I think. In the waiting room whilst I was waiting (what ELSE would I be doing in there!!) for acupuncture.
Well myself, living in the sheltered old-people place that is Devon, and being rather sheltered myself, never have actually come across a place to buy a small buzzing contraption...oh, tell a lie. Never felt the need really. Before I knew what it was all like, didn't feel the need, and now I DO know (and do I enjoy it! Hannah called me a nymphomaniac on Saturday, not that you probably want to know) I keep myself going until Hannah comes round, almost every weekend. I can't see how anything /I/ do could be better than what she does. smiley - loveblush
ellie xxx


Post 20

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

Old -fashioned, yep i can understand that. I sued to live in Kent and that was old fashioned. Mingd you though, apparently Leeds has the highest number of freaks in it so lol...

Will leave the cello and viola thing only if you admit im right or we abstain.

Wadya need acu for? The male throbby thing is well... scary. But the skin is so soft its weird. Sorry. Wud you want to buy a funny contraption thingy that buzzez? I would get yee one if you wanted, but itd be odd to get that through the post. LoL. As for the info - yep prob dint need to know that, but hell i used to be a nympho too. LoL

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