This is the Message Centre for Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.


Post 1

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Hey this is pathetic. I've been gone four days and not a single one of the conversations I've been following has had a new posting. Not a one. Sucks to be me...


Post 2

^-^DARKLING- H2G2 AlTeRnAtIvE CoMmUnItY^-^


smiley - kiss lol


Post 3

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

lol? I'm getting lol'd at? But... well... buh!

At least my pain causes someone amusement; good to know I'm not suffering for no reason...

the smiley - kiss was nice though! smiley - smiley
smiley - hug


Post 4

Yvonne aka india

How's about we set up a thread specially for you, dedicated so you can have one that is on-going at all times. What we discuss on this thread is a different matter entirely smiley - erm


Post 5

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.


Hey if I wanted to talk to myself I'd just... oh wait. I already do! smiley - winkeye


Post 6

Yvonne aka india

If you talk to yourself, you can stop the conversation going off-topic, you know what kind of answers to expect, you can (almost) guarantee sensible answers and if they're not, there's only one person you need to ask to clarify them. smiley - huh

Also, there'll be no-one to complain if you want to change the topic of conversation. smiley - nahnah

If there's no-one else involved you can roughly say what you want about who you want, and have no comeback. smiley - sorry



Post 7

^-^DARKLING- H2G2 AlTeRnAtIvE CoMmUnItY^-^


u is welcome for the kissy wissy...

i do laugh at other suffering cos im evil, hee he smiley - devil

heres a hug smiley - hug



Post 8

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

You make a good point Yvonne, except for a couple of things:
I happen to like a conversation which goes off-topic, and into unknown territory. What's the fun in asking questions when you know what the answer is anyway? What if I can't clarify my own thoughts? And who says I can't say what I want about who I want anyway?

Not arguing, just thinking aloud. What do you reckon?

and Clairey: Of course you laugh at other people's misfortune. I usually laugh at the suffering of others, if only in relief that it's not me for a change!

"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when YOU walk into an open sewer and die."

PS I'm not evil. I'm just misunderstood! smiley - devil


Post 9

Evoot - Back in Black!!



Post 10

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

um. Whut?


Post 11

Evoot - Back in Black!!

jus re-entering the convo?

who come no1s reallly debdebating the greeb subject in in that convo?

jus i cud go on and on about that,lol..

smiley - kisses ya behind a smiley - mistletoe

he he hee


Post 12

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

I don't know what happened to the Grebs convo... I suspect I was the only one there who really had no clue what a Greb was, so once I got a good idea of it the conversation just kinda died. Feel free to continue the conversation, if there's something you feel like mentioning.

We don't have the label 'Greb' here, or at least I haven't heard it anywhere. We have the people who fit the description... just not the label 'Greb' to go with it.

We don't have smiley - mistletoe either. Is that one imported? smiley - tongueout lol


Post 13

Evoot - Back in Black!!

over here ere it depends wat ur opinion on wat a greeb is, mine is a 70s hells angel type person, NOT a teeny wopper who wear hooded band nd tops,jeans and chains... me hate em--the kiddies...
ive even been called one, when its very oy obvious im gothic,grrrrrrrrrr

i jus sent sum smiley - mistletoe over by fairy dust,lol xx

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