This is the Message Centre for g89rlo

ACE Visit

Post 1


Hello, I'm your local, friendly <./>ACE</.> (Which stands for assistant community editor) the welcoming commitee for h2g2 smiley - smiley. So, <./>Welcome</.> to h2g2! By the way, I'm a real person, not a machine, so I can help you and we can talk

There are lots of things to do on h2g2. Try clicking on some of the links below to find your way around smiley - smiley

smiley - tea Read smiley - thepost <./>ThePost</.>, h2g2's own community newspaper packed with creative writing and h2g2 information

smiley - tea If you want to join one of the many many clubs or societies here, you can find them here - A660340

smiley - tea Some of the slang thrown around the forums of this site can be rather confusing, but it's all defined at A754490

smiley - tea If you need an introduction, you can find it at <./>Dontpanic-tour</.> and A719840

smiley - tea You can do some chatting at Miscellaneous Chat (<./>MiscChat</.&gtsmiley - winkeye

smiley - tea You can contribute to the guide at <./>Contribute</.>. If you happen to need some help, just ask us at A1355195

smiley - tea When you've finished a contribution, and it adheres to the Writing-Guidelines, you can submit it to PeerReview

smiley - tea If you want to spice up your personal space, you can use these two pages <./>GuideML-Clinic</.> and A690518

smiley - tea The best way to spice up forums is by using the <./>smiley</.> page to create smileys like smiley - biggrinsmiley - droolsmiley - smiley and smiley - winkeye

If you have any more questions, just click 'Reply to this posting' and I'll try to help you.

-Your <./>ACE</.>, Jodan

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ACE Visit

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