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Italy 1944-45

Post 1


Hi Ron, hope you don't mind me asking a few questions but I could really do with your help.
My dad recently passed away, when he was alive he did'nt much care for talking about his war service and this has left a bit of a void for me.
He served in Italy from 14-01-1944, landing at Anzio in 2nd Battalion of the North Stafford Regiment, he mentioned other places he saw service like, Naples, caserta and obviosly Rome, he ended his overseas sevice at villach in Austria.
Now to the questions, I am trying to find out what Army he was in, 1st, 5th etc, I know he was'nt in the 8th as he never saw service in North Africa, he mentioned he fought alongside the american 5th army 1st division but that is all I know, would you know what divisional badges he would have worn. Anything you can tell me about the North Staffs 2nd battalions time in Italy would be an amazing help.He mentioned once aboutsome fighting in and around a tobacco factory,
best wishes
Wayne Sinnott

Italy 1944-45

Post 2


Hi Wayne
Leave this with me.
I will come back to you within a couple of days.
Best wishes

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